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IsGoodEnough · 36-40, M
Great quote, love it!
@IsGoodEnough TY! :)

bookerdana · M
As Nelly McKay said

Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't apologize so much
That it's jive it's a crutch
I just used when I'm judged
Bein' fudged by a face I can't erase and can't see
Cuz I misplaced a dossier or Monty Python CD
Or somethin' stupid like that
But jesus is that so bad
To make my ego go splat
Like a tire goin' flat
Or fat on a big mac
I'm bein' attacked
Tit for tat
You fuckin' bureaucrats
You can just apologize back

I don't know what they see but fuugitaboutit!
@bookerdana hahahaha Awwww that's such a cute belly. 😄
bookerdana · M
@SW-User Could that kid be..nah,tain't possible!

@bookerdana It's killin' me!!! bahahahaha Waaaahhhhhh! ;)
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@BlueClapTrap You have great taste in music:)
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Really good. Thanks for sharing
Nat15 · F
That's all I'm ever trying to do. 🤗
masterofyou · 70-79, M
We all have flaws, unless your God.. We are not though, we are human.. I would love you for who you are not what you would try and present yourself outwardly..
@masterofyou that's beautiful. Thank you
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@SW-User I'm sure you are a true beauty inside and out.. Although you your outside beauty will fade with years your inside beauty will last forever... That is why you are a catch and a keeper forever....
@masterofyou Awww 🤗🤗🤗 TY
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@Barrett1027 that's it.. :)
I have only arrived at this point in my own life in the last few years. My upbringing didn't help.
Yea I can def relate. .. thanks @SW-User
Gforce1163 · 56-60, M
I haven't seen this before but it really resonates with me
@Gforce1163 Thanks ... glad you liked it. It resonated with me too. :)
Gforce1163 · 56-60, M
Thank you for posting it🙂 Early morning here and it's made for a thoughtful start to the day
@Gforce1163 Nice:)
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Hey ... come on now. I luvs ya as you is. I can look passed the dents and scratches. ;)
@Degbeme And that's what I luvs about you Degs.. Mwah 😁
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User 🤗
Darlin won't you ease my worried mind?
@SW-User one of my favorite songs, Duane Allman with Clapton is priceless
@Itsmrsockmonkey Me too.. I had it as my ringtone for a while... ;)
@SW-User good taste!
I see what it is: Another quote from someone who owns a blog, a site and writes about numerous life facts...
496sbc · 36-40, M
Dang thats some nice stuff u got there
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
sounds good to me. great legs by the way.
Amen to that!!!
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
don't we all?
bhatjc · 46-50, M
So true girl
Just4fun · 51-55, M
Would that we could all find the peace of mind to pull that off .. 😉
Exhibiter100000 · 61-69, M
Very beautiful. Thanks for posting
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
that's a pretty tall order.
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
I see dat ass

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