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looking back at some of my early posts, both on SW and on Facebook. the cringe element is strong. LOL
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@SW-User i was sharing too many random thoughts and too many details about trivial shit in my life.
@YourMomsSecretCrush I used to post some weird personal stuff on EP in anonymous section. I am glad they deleted the site later. 😐
@SW-User same. i used to post some of my past escapades in EP anonymous. things best left in the past. stuff that Johnny O read and influenced him way way too much. 🤣
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
My posts define my past. They represent an element of who I was.
I wouldn't want to lose them because of the nostalgia.
I wouldn't want to lose them because of the nostalgia.
@rrraksamam Same as my diary
Sepia · 36-40, F
Same. Old post are cringy tho I have to owe it. You may try ephemeras when writing.. so calming, it does to me.
@Sepia yeah definitely
Writing does help! I agree
@SW-User do you have a journal?
@SW-User I do, I write in small pocket notebooks
@SW-User cute.
Do you read your own diary later? 👀
@SW-User doesn't that make you sad again?
@SW-User usually helps seeing things in a different perspective, seeing my own thoughts to see how I've changed.. Etc
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
Classified · M
Your own old posts, you mean?
@Classified yesterday wrote a post and I'm glad I deleted it
Classified · M
@SW-User Sorry you weren't feeling well. 😥
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Likewise! For example some recordings I make where I sing absolutely terribly just for fun, it aint meant for prolonged human exposure
@MartinTheFirst hehe human exposure