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It's nice one can delete ones posts.

In some of mine I wasn't feeling really well and just meant for venting..
To keep sad moments I have diary.. 💚 And they sometimes stay in my mind but yeah writing helps
looking back at some of my early posts, both on SW and on Facebook. the cringe element is strong. LOL
@SW-User i was sharing too many random thoughts and too many details about trivial shit in my life.
@YourMomsSecretCrush I used to post some weird personal stuff on EP in anonymous section. I am glad they deleted the site later. 😐
@SW-User same. i used to post some of my past escapades in EP anonymous. things best left in the past. stuff that Johnny O read and influenced him way way too much. 🤣
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
My posts define my past. They represent an element of who I was.
I wouldn't want to lose them because of the nostalgia.
@rrraksamam Same as my diary
Sepia · 36-40, F
Same. Old post are cringy tho I have to owe it. You may try ephemeras when writing.. so calming, it does to me.
@Sepia yeah definitely
Writing does help! I agree
@SW-User do you have a journal?
@SW-User I do, I write in small pocket notebooks
@SW-User cute.
Do you read your own diary later? 👀
@SW-User doesn't that make you sad again?
@SW-User usually helps seeing things in a different perspective, seeing my own thoughts to see how I've changed.. Etc
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
Classified · M
Your own old posts, you mean?
@Classified yesterday wrote a post and I'm glad I deleted it
Classified · M
@SW-User Sorry you weren't feeling well. 😥
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Likewise! For example some recordings I make where I sing absolutely terribly just for fun, it aint meant for prolonged human exposure
@MartinTheFirst hehe human exposure

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