Im An feminisit but This is still my opinon
I dont care if youre an woman , but if you deliberately and constally push your boyfriend/husbands paitence that much that they finally loose it and hit you or even murder you , its your fault. People can only take so much even the nicest and most paitent people all have limits. Now im not on about men who hit women over anything that pissess them off as thats just sick , im om about those who bully their partners or try to control them or constatly acusse them of things to the point they completely loose it as theres a lot of women out there who do that and just because your female it doesnt give you an free pass to treat your man like shit. And the same applies if you hit your partner without an vaild reason for example vaild reasons are he was abusing you in anyway or the kids then yeah its justifed in my opinion. And ive seen it for myself , its really ugly no matter what gender is doing it.