HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Tom Hanks is pretty recent. I guess Zoomers play video games or hang out on /pol/. Obviously some are commies , what they do I can't imagine. Put on their mom's dresses I guess.
some people don't like Hollywood and never watch movies. The only movies I watched growing up are classics once a year at Christmas such as weathering Heights, Jayn Ayre, What a wonderful life, Ingmar Bergman movies and other international movies.
I was always practicing for some performance growing up, choir, ballet, ski race, traveling to France, and visiting my grandparent island home, or reading etc. I rarely sat on the couch. Watching movies is usually a totally waste of time! I don't respect Hollywood or what they do. Most movies are violent, have violent language and are questionable at best.
I was always practicing for some performance growing up, choir, ballet, ski race, traveling to France, and visiting my grandparent island home, or reading etc. I rarely sat on the couch. Watching movies is usually a totally waste of time! I don't respect Hollywood or what they do. Most movies are violent, have violent language and are questionable at best.
Frustrating, but it's their world now. I know and understand now how my dad felt.
@SmileOnYourBrother but the difference is we all watched old stuff with our parents and by ourselves. now they have all this media coming at them and they don't know anything about that history. it's weird
Thorstormbringer · M
@LILY61 Totally agree.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Tom Hanks? 😬 Those are not old movies.
If you have noticed it for the past 10 years, then 10 years ago I was 20 something too and Tom Hanks was one of the main actors our generation could have noticed in moves that were broadcasted when we were kids.
Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves... The main stars and celebrities we heard about in early 2000s.
If you have noticed it for the past 10 years, then 10 years ago I was 20 something too and Tom Hanks was one of the main actors our generation could have noticed in moves that were broadcasted when we were kids.
Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves... The main stars and celebrities we heard about in early 2000s.
@CrazyMusicLover i know, but now these young people don't even know who they are...it is odd. i was watching the Floor and they showed a pic of Tom Hanks and the girl had no idea...along with all the other actors that were shown from that time period
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@LILY61 It must be those really young, I think. Which actors and actresses are trending now? I actually don't even know the young generation.
@CrazyMusicLover that is why i asked the question. i have no idea what they are doing that they wouldn't know who Tom Hanks is.....Don't kids watch Big?
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
Apparently its really cool to watch old eps of House and Dexter now.
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SomeMichGuy · M
Do you stare at your floor a lot?😉
And if your notion of "old movies" are those of Tom Hanks...what would you make of Top Hat? lol
And if your notion of "old movies" are those of Tom Hanks...what would you make of Top Hat? lol
@SomeMichGuy you knew exactly what i was saying and as usual you are trolling.
They don't ever know any old movies. They don't know any old actors....and embarrassingly enough they don't EVEN know who tom Hanks is, Boob. And they showed this on the tv show, The Floor
They don't ever know any old movies. They don't know any old actors....and embarrassingly enough they don't EVEN know who tom Hanks is, Boob. And they showed this on the tv show, The Floor
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