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Bluebirdsonmyshoulder · 46-50, F
@WhereTheCloudsareFarBehindMe no, it is not. I have a genuine question because it’s affecting me.
OogieBoogie · F
@WhereTheCloudsareFarBehindMe what an embarrassing and potentially damamging thing to say 😳
Someone could be asking for advice for themselves, or someone they care about.
And your sort of reply could shut them down, and stop them from getting experienced healthy advice.
What on earth has binding got to do with pedophilia?
Someone could be asking for advice for themselves, or someone they care about.
And your sort of reply could shut them down, and stop them from getting experienced healthy advice.
What on earth has binding got to do with pedophilia?
SomeMichGuy · M
@Bluebirdsonmyshoulder How?
Nunki · 31-35, F
Of course not. It hinders normal breast development and badly affects the bone health & structure at that critical stage of life, when one is still growing. Might even cause shortness of breath and a bunch of other adverse effects. Such a bad, bad, bad idea
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PhoenixPhail · M
No. What would be the point?
OogieBoogie · F
There is something id like to add after reading some of the comments here .
Binding has been part of womens history in many forms. Some good, some not.
And the negative 'concepts' that some people have about it, (ie needing medication instead, that its bad, or what is the point etc....), i truly think are nothing more than uneducated opinions.
Which do more damamge than good.
My daughter chest binds. Not every day , but on days she's feeling 'neutral or unfeminine'.
She spent time researching it. (So did i). She bought about three binders before she found one that fits well and is comfortable.
Sometimes she just side tapes, (which movies stars do all the time for deep cleavage plunging dresses.)
[Note: get the right tape. Some can cause irritation]
Ive helped make sure that her binders fit well, (and have had to alter some).
A good binder is extremely similar to a bra, and (compared to some aweful supportless bras
out there ), can in fact often offer superior support.
[ Binders should be worn for just a few hours at first. One should never jump in and wear it all day....this is when discomfort can happen. Comfort is ESSENTIAL - never put up with it - it means it doesnt fit right]
If you are concerned about someone you know wanting to do this, (or is doing it), id show intrest, and help them out.
Too many young girls can try this in ignorance - and get it wrong, bind too tight, use the wrong thing to bind with, bind the wrong way ....and it can cause skin issues, back and chest pain etc.
It is just like corsets - it is an aesthetic that makes one feel comfortable with their appearance.....but done wrong, can be unhealthy.
I once met a young woman who wore a corset everyday . The reason being, sje was waiting for back surgery - and the corset offered her back support, without needing daily pain medication, so she could keep working.
Theres no right and wrong here, its more about doing it properly and safely.
For comparison: highheels do more structural bone and posture damage than a chest binder does. 🤷♀
This is from an orthopedic site.
Its not a binder - it's a 'sports bra' - which flattens thr boobs and stops bounce with high imact sports.
But as you can see - it basically does exactly what a binder does.
Binding has been part of womens history in many forms. Some good, some not.
And the negative 'concepts' that some people have about it, (ie needing medication instead, that its bad, or what is the point etc....), i truly think are nothing more than uneducated opinions.
Which do more damamge than good.
My daughter chest binds. Not every day , but on days she's feeling 'neutral or unfeminine'.
She spent time researching it. (So did i). She bought about three binders before she found one that fits well and is comfortable.
Sometimes she just side tapes, (which movies stars do all the time for deep cleavage plunging dresses.)
[Note: get the right tape. Some can cause irritation]
Ive helped make sure that her binders fit well, (and have had to alter some).
A good binder is extremely similar to a bra, and (compared to some aweful supportless bras
out there ), can in fact often offer superior support.
[ Binders should be worn for just a few hours at first. One should never jump in and wear it all day....this is when discomfort can happen. Comfort is ESSENTIAL - never put up with it - it means it doesnt fit right]
If you are concerned about someone you know wanting to do this, (or is doing it), id show intrest, and help them out.
Too many young girls can try this in ignorance - and get it wrong, bind too tight, use the wrong thing to bind with, bind the wrong way ....and it can cause skin issues, back and chest pain etc.
It is just like corsets - it is an aesthetic that makes one feel comfortable with their appearance.....but done wrong, can be unhealthy.
I once met a young woman who wore a corset everyday . The reason being, sje was waiting for back surgery - and the corset offered her back support, without needing daily pain medication, so she could keep working.
Theres no right and wrong here, its more about doing it properly and safely.
For comparison: highheels do more structural bone and posture damage than a chest binder does. 🤷♀
This is from an orthopedic site.
Its not a binder - it's a 'sports bra' - which flattens thr boobs and stops bounce with high imact sports.
But as you can see - it basically does exactly what a binder does.
PhoenixPhail · M
@OogieBoogie Very informative reply. 👍
Bluebirdsonmyshoulder · 46-50, F
@OogieBoogie thank you
HumanEarth · F
Chest binder is nothing more then a corset
Teenager body is still growing. Could cause bone health issues
For an adult I don't have an issue, its them being growing teenager that is where I might has an issue with.
Teenager body is still growing. Could cause bone health issues
For an adult I don't have an issue, its them being growing teenager that is where I might has an issue with.
It's more important to know and understand why she's doing it then the other stuff can be figured out
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IronHamster · 56-60, M
@pripyatamusementpark True. The transgender thing is mostly TicToc influencers and kids vulnerable to suggestion, along with the Munchausen mothers.
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nonsensiclesnail · F
as long as they are binding with something properly sized and they keep it clean, I don't know that there is an issue.
Magenta · F
No, defo not. Why?
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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I don't know. If it's something designed to not affect health then I guess it's okay but girls doing it diy and hurting themselves somehow definitely isn't a good idea.
OogieBoogie · F
A well fitted chest binder is little differnt from wearing a bra. In fact, for large breasted girls, it offers maximum support that a bra doesn't.
I know , ive worn one of my daughters.
I found it quite comfortable.
I have no opposition to it . But, like a bra. , it must be fitted properly.
I know , ive worn one of my daughters.
I found it quite comfortable.
I have no opposition to it . But, like a bra. , it must be fitted properly.