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passingby8 · 31-35, F
I would just ask the doc or therapist about this they probably know more than some one on here,hope things keep improving.
@passingby8 thank you. I tried but there wasnt much they could say. They told me that there isnt much since it is just in my head and I didnt like the meds I was trying.
passingby8 · 31-35, F
@FrustratedAndUnderPaid Are you happy with your therapist in general?if not you should look for one that's better.Im not a doc or anything but I think I read somewhere where nightmares have to do with anxiety your already feeling in your daily life,maybe you have passed trauma you haven't dealt with and it's causing the nightmares too?
I've seen three different counselors and a psychiatrist. There wasn't much they could say other than to keep busy. I started analyzing my nightmares after but I spent a lot of time sick because of them. I learned a bit from them but a couple of the nightmares still make me sick to my stomach.

Sorry about that. I’d suggest seeing some professionals who could help, but most of the time they suggest things that doesn’t work on everyone. Mind is very complex and we just don’t know how it works. I’d suggest trying out some meditation before sleep and see if it works.
Ive tried a couple things, including meditation but my mind is too busy to be able to do that properly
Peaceful · F
When did they start? What childhood traumas did you experience? These are questions I would ask someone I was working with privately.
Nothing that I can remember. Unless my nightmares are forshadowing the trigger and I just cant remember
Peaceful · F
@FrustratedAndUnderPaid that's quite possible. So there nightmares have gone on way longer than just 8 years ago. What happened 8 years ago?
Nothing as far as I know. I was 12. I don't remember the nightmares when it started but I remember sleepwalking, crying and trying to hold it together at school and around my family. The only ones I remember were when I finally gained some control over my dreams, but even then not much
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Hope everything sorts out on its own by his grace

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