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tetristango · 26-30, M
i am a hardcore determinist, i do think we should consider this thinking of macro level stuff but while talking with individuals we should adopt compatibility.

Yes, I think we all do to varying extents.
Yes and thank goodness for free will
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Of course. Those of us who do not subscribe to religion are free.
Gothichorror · 22-25, F
@MasterLee Actually it’s an Athiest view that there is no free will. Not all atheists but religious ppl tend to believe in it ☺️
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Yes. There are just enormous social and biological pressures to do certain things.
revenant · F
humans kind of to a point. Animals : not so much no
I believe we are allowed to make our own mistakes and have opportunities to learn from or repeat them. I believe that we often end up in “channels of causality” due to choices we make, and become committed to them and “locked” into behaviors because of the choices we end up making.
Platoscave · F
I don't know.

Here's what I know. No one deserves to get hurt for bad reasons or because someone else doesn't know how to handle their own perceived power.

We are all equal. Get used to it.

Then whatever happens is stuff we can deal with.

Why? Because we willed it, freely, together.

Any more about that subject is way over my head.

I CAN handle stuff like... if I have a spare moment or two, would contemplating Nature be a worthwhile activity? And I say yes, because it just IS.

And also this kind of question is a false dichotomy anyway/

Its not about freedom or freedom, but what is a conscious life anyway?

And as far as animals, notice they live here with us and cant talk. If that doesn't tell you about behavior and freedom I am forever silent hereafter.

Hope you understand.
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
I think it’s an illusion
Candice · 46-50, F
it is possible to have free will, but very difficult. it does not come without a price. now a days if you want free will, you might as well not exist sadly enough
Truely speaking life is an illusion (Maya) and for certain extent we have free will to choose bad or good path too 😊
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
if somebody truly believes i don't have free will i punch them in the face. they cant get ma coz its not my fault.
kakavaka · 100+, M
Nothing is for free
Gothichorror · 22-25, F
@kakavaka No it’s simething we all have or none of us have lol.
kakavaka · 100+, M
you can say the some for free will
Gothichorror · 22-25, F
@kakavaka I think that’s will power you mean. But that would mean there is free will so I get what you’re saying ☺️
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I believe it's more of an illusion than we would like to admit.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Something you can alter,but few things are out of human control.
UpsideOutInsideDown · 36-40, M
To a certain extent. In a nihilistic sense
Between stimulus and response we have a choice...
Platoscave · F
It's really a silly word. Isn't it?
Chulazon · 100+, F
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
I would say we have free will. Regardless of what happens we always have a choice. Doesn't mean you will like the options but you still can choose.
DDonde · 31-35, M
What do you mean when you say "free will"?
Platoscave · F
@Gothichorror If we raise our consciousness enough we see that we are everything that supposedly isn't us. Nothing can be the same again after that.
Gothichorror · 22-25, F
@Platoscave Was the answer I was looking for 🤗🏆
Platoscave · F
@Gothichorror It is the kind of question I love to answer!

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