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LarryStrawman · 22-25, M
I try avoiding it by staying at the corner of the room and speaking with only a few people. Of course I do end up often being the center of attention because of my handsomeness, can't really help it much.
@LarryStrawman Sounds like a pretty okay problem to have.

sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
no and even here i'm avoiding it.. yet i'm still trollish in nature.

in EP i was... ICQ, yahoo... tripod.. oh hell you name it.

no one remembers me.

(makes soft, distant wind blowing sounds...)

it's ok, i won't be the first on anyones RED tack list!
@sighmeupforthat How are you trollish in nature? What's a RED tack list?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@SW-User i still like to annoy people.. articulatively. (huh? spell that!)

and red tack list.. (there's other ways to say it.. "yet another red tack on the road map".)

red tack: a physical tack that's red where it's applied to a map of any type, mostly one of designation. where one would drive around (laughingly stereotypical white van) and hunt down all those who are markered as red tacks and be .... 'assimilated' in a .... hopefully 'formidable' way. COUGH!
@sighmeupforthat So it's a bad thing to be on someone's red tack list?
Fantabulous · 46-50, F
I'm normally the drama mamma at parties, telling all the funny stuff in my most dramatic mode getting people laughing ...kinda makes me centre of attention 🙈
@Fantabulous Sounds lovely. I'm happy to share the spotlight. I'm a giver that way. 😏
Fantabulous · 46-50, F
@SW-User all the drama takes a lot of energy ya know, so sharing is caring ☺
@Fantabulous Well then, thank you for caring. 😏
in10RjFox · M
I grab a corner and invite attention, so nobody can get behind to back stab me ..
@in10RjFox I see the distinction now. You just look out for yourself? You're vigilant?
in10RjFox · M
@SW-User yes.. alert at all times .. and you can spot all other corners from one corner.
in10RjFox · M
@SW-User No blind spot
No I don't like to be the center of attention. I like to be low-key always. I avoid it basically avoiding going to social meetings, and I hardly talk when there are more than 3 people. Only if the topic is very interesting I talk.
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@SagePoet You're well-known?
SagePoet · 61-69, M
in the SW forum @SW-User
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@RosaDawn I wish I were more like that. My life is so cluttered in some ways.
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