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louisesoulstar · 26-30, F
They don't care most of the time
@louisesoulstar So it seems.

WalksWith · 56-60, F
There's a difference between a natural body odor and stench that comes from a bad diet, stale tobacco, and alcohol. A natural body odor isn't the problem, it's the impurities of what their bodies are expelling that creates a horrible stench. A child who has bad odor should be taught about hygiene, but should never be made to feel bad about it. Sometimes, it can't be helped. I'm very sensitive to odor and I have to step back when that odor is not a 'normal' smell.
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@Eclipse You are right about one thing. Not everyone should talk of morality. It seems out of character.
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Mental illness can trump any teachings or talking to the person.
If they are an adult it is not anyone else's responsibility, but their own.
I have a mentally ill family member he has been talked to many times, he just doesn't care.
If at work it is the bosses responsibility to bring it to his/her attention .
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I believe she would have lost anyway, ruined her credibility a long time before. It was a circus sometimes there what they let certain individuals get by with. Happened at Walmart too, same personalities, same writing down lists of grievances about their co-workers in notebooks, same threatening to sue if anyone did anything to them.
@cherokeepatti Sue happy culture, waste time in the courts and taxpayers money
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User That and spineless managers.
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@yondu That's just manky.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I wonder how they become nose-blind to their own body....worked with a woman who stunk to high heaven, she reminded me of a damn possum that left a stink trail where ever it went....seriously people clean up even if you don't smell yourself.
@cherokeepatti LOL. I used to visit an office and the secretary there had such bad halitosis it lingered in the air!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User I believe that some people have tonsil stones and their breath reeks from that (besides the typical no hygiene or eating garlic or whatever). When you have tonsil stones you constantly breathe the stink out. I had one one time that came to surface after I traveled to California, pushed it out with a swab and man oh man it stunk to high heaven.
@cherokeepatti Haha! Yes I've heard of that.
elVato · 46-50, M
People are just plain pigs, no disrespect for our porcine cousins, but 'cmon, people gotta put a bit more into the 'acting human' bit.
elVato · 46-50, M
@cherokeepatti So they fail at being a human being.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@elVato Yeah and due to being protected by a supervisor they get to keep their job and if anyone criticizes them and it gets back to them then they make threats to sue.
elVato · 46-50, M
@cherokeepatti Easy. Dead fish in their desk drawer.
It's so hard..I had to tell someone and he was totally shocked-even though everyone he worked with made a formal complaint. He truly had no idea.
@SW-User Yeah it kind of surprises me they don't know or don't have anyone else in their life to tell them.
Myzery · 41-45, F
Maybe they live alone.
I'd tell somebody.
Maybe everyone in the house stinks, so they no longer smell it.
@Myzery Possible.
My daughter is 10, I keep telling her she stinks, she has deodorant, but she doesn't always use it. Whats a dad to do? Adults on the other hand, should know better.
@UreBesFrend you run a bath and tell her to get in and wash
@SW-User Sometimes it happens when she has friends over, and I can't be sure if its her or her friends. Guess I could take them all swimming.
Cosreal · 36-40
Nunya and I started a convo about it too. lol

The ones we knew were in complete denial of it. "I don't stink, your nose stinks." [X wut.
@Cosreal Lol you reminded me of this. A long time ago how I had to sit in a meeting room to tell someone they have to do something about their body odour because it is stinking the whole area up.
Cosreal · 36-40
That sucks! How uncomfortable!
@Cosreal Yes. I kept cringing inside and felt really sorry I had to say that to someones face.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Honestly, I imagine most such people either are just totally oblivious or horribly depressed and don't care any more.
@UndeadPrivateer Yeah but their family members would be telling them about this if they were just oblivious.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@SW-User That assumes they listen or even have family members around to tell them. There's a lot of lonely souls out there who live entirely insular lives.
@UndeadPrivateer Okay. Fair enough.
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
I have had my fair share of smelly people. Sometimes it just hard to ignore because they are that bad. But sometimes is normal because I live in a hot country and no matter how you try, you end up smelling like a fish.
In one ear, out the other....:)
@SW-User Really? They don't have their own self pride at hygiene? Lol. Wait, what am I even thinking!
@SW-User There are things that can't be unthunked, so be very very careful haha
@SW-User LOL That is the problem. I dive in to thinking before I think.😜
You mean when people smell......?
@InOtterWords My family? Definitely. I'd rather be the one they get embarrassed by than by strangers out there.
I'd not tell a friend though.
Professionally I've had to tell someone.
@SW-User professionally - that's tough. I've had to tell someone that they need to dress a little more professionally in the office 🙈
@InOtterWords *Cringe moments, lol.

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