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whoowho · 41-45, F
I think London needs a new mayor.

MeInCharge · 41-45, M
I'm glad it failed. And I wish those fuckers would stop.
@MeInCharge Apparently it had the strength to kill everyone on the tube and within a certain radius too. 😑
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@SW-User London has had too much of this. It's sad.
@MeInCharge This year has been bad. Is this the 4th or the 5th one? I even lost count.
Serenitree · F
It failed, right? Then that's a good thing, but it doesn't mean anyone should think that means they will just give up and go home, because they lost that inning.
Serenitree · F
@SW-User yeah, I really hadn't heard anything about it. I almost literally live in a cocoon. I get any news I'm going to get, from right here. So I just lookedit up. It was definitely flubbed, but they managed to hurt people, so not a total fail. They will be back, and they will attack again, but don't look for it to be in the same location or the same method. They'll change it up, to keep everyone off balance.
@Serenitree Yes. So for the next few weeks, people will be highly stressed when travelling.
Serenitree · F
@SW-User yup
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Having lived with this shit all my life (The IRA used to plant bombs in the most public of places rather than attack those they claimed to be fighting) it's nothing new.
The saving grace is that now they know which tube, they'll follow the cctv footage onboard, then follow the person seen leaving it, in reverse.
Can't move more than a few feet on London's streets without being caught on CCTV somewhere !
@Picklebobble2 Oh I remember those days, having to run out of Baker St. Station, lol. :D But somehow, after years of peace, this feels 'new'.

And yet, so hard to catch these people. With all the intel, it's so hard to block them.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User You can never stop a determined terrorist. whether it be lashing out at random folk on a bridge with a knife or planting a device or driving a car onto the pavement and killing many.
We've seen all three this year !
my question is, at what point do you retaliate using a similar method ?
@Picklebobble2 Dilemma.
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@Sniper I think people just do not want a war. But eventually maybe that is where it heads.
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@Sniper I agree.
I am saddened by the on going terrorist acts across the planet.. It is an impossible battle to fight at the local level and any time civilian lives are put at risk it's a tragedy. I understand 22 innocent people were injured. The only answer is to cut off the source of funding and weapons that's going into these organizations.. The world will be very disappointed to see where some of this cash flow originates.. It's pathetic...
@Majorlatency You are right.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
GUTLESS morons that have no respect for anyone except when taking WELFARE
@nedkelly Yes!
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
What UK is currently facing is series of low intensity attacks. This is because UK isn't easy to attack for various reasons. But fact that can't be ignored is, today's terrorists are getting smarter and sophisticated. So if UK ever faces attacks on scale of 9/11 or 26/11, it will be something new, unpredictable and it will change the way we view the world.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Giving the terrorists the media attention they want is certainly not helping the situation. It's a similar situation to the copycat killer problem the U.S. has been plagued by, but worse because it's more coordinated.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@SW-User It's not just one, there's been a plague of them for a couple decades now with a gradually escalating rate of occurrence. School shootings, workplace shootings, domestic terrorist actions, etc.

There's a statistical link between the amount of news coverage killings get and the rate of similar killings thereafter. There was a study on it I read a couple years ago that plotted it as being roughly 0.75 copycats for every 1 national news story of a killing. The cascading effect of this being what has lead to the problem with school shootings and mass murders in particular.
@UndeadPrivateer Oh yeah. Their 'sacrifice' would be meaningless if they did not get attention.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@SW-User Precisely.
Failed in the sense that no one died, but succeeded by having all news focussed on them and by filling people with fear
Give London a break you scums 😥
@SW-User 👍
Western Europe is getting to a point where it's weird if there's no terror attack for a week 🤔 But then again..who's fault is it?
@SW-User Whose fault is it?
@SW-User the union..and people who still support their ideas?(not going to name call,tired of the arguments😐)
@SW-User I am not even aware of these. But I get it, this is a sensitive issue.
:( its easier to not start war and i duno why people dont get it
@TryingtoLava I don't know why either. Don't know what it is they are fighting for.
Terror. People are scared they will do anythingggg ya know?
@TryingtoLava Already, travelling is a bloody headache. So yeah, terror works in causing mayhem.
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@BlueClapTrap Who dies of starvation?
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@Eclipse My family and friends are.
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@Eclipse Yes. They are safe.
lakergoy · 36-40, M
Got lucky. Should look into better security
@lakergoy There is top notch security in England. These people are just slimy enough to sometimes slip in.
lakergoy · 36-40, M
I get that... But maybe like the u.s. flight Marshalls on the trains to observe and respond to suspicious behavior
I think it's a trail run
@SW-User I'm thinking there will be something else soon.
dispatch2018 · 26-30, M
that calls for a happy ending for my plunger
@dispatch2018 I recently read a book where the man obsessed with his plunger ended up dead with it in his mouth. Don't know why you reminded me of that gross scene.
I'm still getting information about it. But the fact that our president has already jumped out to tweet and make condemnations is just more proof that he doesn't hesitate to denounce anything he really wants to denounce (the way he hesitated to denounce white supremacists here).
@bijouxbroussard Yes I saw his words. Not very well thought out.

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