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CharredBeef · 56-60, M
I'll give you a heart and a comment for that polite post.
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@AliceinWonderland Well, it started out with a thank you, so I'm going with polite until I see evidence otherwise.
@CharredBeef yeah I'm going to be my own best friend and say i was being sweet to the person who secretly gives me hearts
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@AliceinWonderland A bashful secret admirer sounds like fun.

Peaceful · F
I try to comment on your posts, I know that's your preference. Sometimes I just go around hearting people's stuff because I'm tired, but still want to check in and show support.
Peaceful · F
@AliceinWonderland you're very kind! 💜
And I enjoy the music you post! 🤗
@Peaceful [youtube=]
Peaceful · F
@AliceinWonderland great song and message! 🤗
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
I usually just heart posts and don't comment if I had nothing constructive to say but I wanted to show that I agreed with, liked, was amused by or otherwise found the post thoughtful or just worth the small gesture. 🤷
@UndeadPrivateer hehe i like it when you say stuff. you are one of the clever ones.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@AliceinWonderland Thank you. :D
*randomly comments on your post because I'm nice like that*
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic but i don't want pity comments 😠
@AliceinWonderland *randomly trolls you??* I'm not good at trolling 😭
@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic nonono i don't want mean comments. just be yourself <3
Don't cry.
@AliceinWonderland How are you?
@SW-User i'm good. I'm feeling in a silly sort of mood. how are you?
@AliceinWonderland I'm okay thank you.
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@Charlies thank you charlie. i don't know you, but i will speak to you anyway since you complimented me. I'm doing good. how are you?
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Hi Alice, sorry but I don't alwAys see them.
You are welcome.
bella8kins · 36-40, F
Have you read about the Lewis Carroll "conspiracy" and the story behind his novel?
@bella8kins i've read one of them. i'm not sure its the same one you know of. ugh i can't with conspiracies nowadays they freak me out. i don't wanna become one of those older people scared by all these scary things
bella8kins · 36-40, F
Lol yeah neither would I but it's creepy @AliceinWonderland
Going forward, I'll try and do better.
@dragonfly46 you don't owe me anything though. just answer the questions you want to answer <3
I don't but I'll not heart you without comment on your posts. I always just answer what I want or what I can.

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