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Why is it whatever I do is never good enough for people. I constantly do things that will never be good enough... ive cleaned the house... but I didn’t get food ready, I went out all day for my eye exam so didn’t clean. I dint do university work for a few days and my whole family starts to call me a failure and that I should give up...I just want my families support yet I’m not worthy
Go just tell yourself what u wanna do.... and also on another list what U have to do .

Then devote your life to bringing them together peacefully, like its a real war that has to be "won" and you shouldn't get hurt in the winning.

Make a list of all the steps on the way to unified action. Then you will be doing what u need to without agonizing.

And all the way you have to remember your values and also in what situations those values kick in and how much. Its a little like math, and if you agree you are right. I learned this from a philosophy prof who loved math
HannibalMontanimal Β· 26-30, M
That's why I started turning the tables on them. I don't give them shit anymore.
You are worthy, you're not a failure either. Just know I'm always going to tell you honestly because I've known you along long time. I've watched you deal with adversity in life. You've grown into a lovely woman and you can't pick your family. Let's eat a box of Skittles .. You and I.. Hugs to a wonderful friend
BiasForAction Β· M
At some point, you need to accept that what you do is good enough for you. I realize we all want validation from those we admire or love, but sometimes that just isn't in the cards. When that happens, we need to be mature enough to give ourselves credit where credit is due.
Justme264 Β· 70-79, M
Yes you are worthy...!!
SatyrService Β· M
you are worthy, the discontent you feel from them, is due to your work, makes them feel entitled, and if you cant do EVERYTHING you are just not good enough

do what you can, but learn to care for yourself.
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chuck7882 Β· 61-69, M
Theres an old song by Ricky Nelson that has a line in it that in my opinion is the best piece of advice anyone can ever be given. "You cant please everyone, so you got to please yourself"
TakenDown232 Β· 46-50, M
Your family are simply enjoying humiliating you. It is a pleasure.
You on the other hand has to decide to play their game or step out.
QuietEd2019 Β· 31-35, M
Ohh wow I am sorry your family makes you feel that way 😣😣😣
RememberMe Β· 22-25, F
@QuietEd2019 it’s my boyfriend aswell πŸ˜‚
QuietEd2019 Β· 31-35, M
@RememberMe ohh wow if I was like that towards a girlfriend I wouldn’t expect to be in a relationship much longer 😳😲😲
no one is perfect...focus on what you want to do....and they will understand
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RememberMe Β· 22-25, F
@missbeez I’m sorry! I’m dyslexic I am a bad writer
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Pdad49 Β· M
You are worthy, keep your head up and move forward!
ozgirl512 Β· 26-30, F
Welcome to life... Some people are like that
Pretzel Β· 61-69, M
*hugs you*
HotPizza71 Β· 51-55, M
They need to back off and chill out.. You're not the hired help
BigGuy2 Β· 26-30, M
You can never win

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