666Maggotz · F
Pin toed (that’s what I grew up hearing not sure if accurate). I used to have that as a child but my mom got me shoes that corrected it. It can be fixed if that’s what he wants.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@666Maggotz thank you for your comment . I just searched up pin toed and yes my boyfriend has a similar walk but it’s not too bad. I just notice that his feet aren’t straight when he walks and even in the shower his feet don’t face straight . It’s like he has told himself his feet have to be at a bendy angle at all times. I have a friend she also walks like him. It isn’t a deal breaker for me and it would be cruel for me to ask him to change his walk
beermeplease · M
did you ask your boyfriend what he doesn't like about you?...if not what do think it is he doesn't like about you?
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@beermeplease hmm he doesn’t like how I eat in a messy way sometimes . Like for instance we went cinemas and I ate wings and I waited until the movie was over for me to wash my hands 😂😂. I hope he likes the way I walk ..
beermeplease · M
@Cherryblossom10 lol....i wouldn't have held that to you. it kinda would have been sexy and romantic if had licked your fingers clean in a darkened theatre 😋
Monalisaa1986 · 36-40, F
Maybe he has cerebral palsy
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@Monalisaa1986 I promise u he doesn’t have that. Everyone has their own walk . Some walk with a limp some have. A different stance