intrinsic desire
according to psychology, if you make fake scenarios in your head before you go to sleep, it’s a sign of mental illness. if you overthink past conversations, it reveals an inherent desire for perfection or a fear of misunderstanding. if you constantly feel nostalgia for simpler times, it means you’re seeking solace in the past, when the present feels overwhelming. if you like people watching, it reflects a natural curiosity about the human condition. a longing to understand other stories. if you feel irrationally angry in traffic, it reveals a deeper struggle with control, a discomfort with life’s unpredictability. if you constantly check your phone for notifications, it’s an unconscious expression of your need for connection and validation from others. and even if these things are true, that’s okay. it’s all part of life, all part of the human experience. you are not broken, just beautifully, wonderfully human.