I believe in the Secret: see it believe it receive it : you attract what you need in your life and things do come to you when they're supposed to ... you just may not always like❣️
ItsDanny · M
do you use as avatar the photo fomr I like horror movies group on sw 😂 ?
Maggimay · 46-50, F

You just insulted karma
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Totally agree
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
But like some say karma, and you say bullshit, not one of us really knows.
I love the idea of the invisible, omnipresent equalizer, karma. It makes life a little bit more tolerable. True or not, i believe.
I love the idea of the invisible, omnipresent equalizer, karma. It makes life a little bit more tolerable. True or not, i believe.