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Remember way back when...

If you needed to know the time you called the operator.

Your phone was on a party line so when you picked up the receiver you could hear other conversations.

When you turned on the radio you had to wait for the tubes to warm up.

Pop came in glass bottles and you could get a selection in a cardboard case with a handle.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
1) Or looked at the clock or your watch (I still do). We did though have the "Speaking Clock" service, which was automatic: dial its number and you heard the time read as a recorded message.

2) Party-lines were dying out in the late 1960s but it should not have been possible to overhear conversations on them. That sounds like a fault.

3) Well, we do call 'em "valves" over here, but I don't recall our wireless sets taking more than a few seconds to come to life. I think televisions were slower though.

4) I don't remember selection cases of pop, but we could buy "Corona" brand drinks in glass bottles, whose their price included a deposit for the returnable bottle.


Some from me:

1) Buses with the door at the back, and a conductor to take the fares. The driver sat in splendid isolation in his cab. (Modern buses are front-door entry and you pay the driver, or pay electronically on a card-reader.)

2) Trolley-buses. Stretching my memory a bit. I think Bournemouth was the last British town to use these electric vehicles, powered from overhead wires. I saw them but never travelled on one.

3) Gas-holders (commonly and wrongly called "gasometers") in most towns of any size. They were reservoirs for the town-gas supplies... until natural-gas, the gas was derived from coal in the adjacent "gas-works".

4) Daily doorstep delivery of bottles of milk, carried on battery-electric "milk floats". The practice has all but died out, due to the crushing competition from supermarkets but also to all-too-common thefts.

5) Steam traction on the national railway network ended in 1968 (excepting occasional "heritage" specials).

6) Pay-On-Answer public telephones. You put the coins in, but paid only when the called party answered, by pressing "Button A". At the end of the call, pressing "Button B" returned any unused coins. Dial telephones, of course; but connected to Automatic Telephone Exchanges that were already moving from electro-mechanical to solid-state electronic switching in the early-1970s.

7) Pre-decimal currency: 12 pennies = 1 shilling. 20 shillings = £1.
£1.1s.0d = one "Guinea", apparently still used in horse-racing circles though now £1.05.

8) Imperial (Pre-metric) measures: we still use the Mile and Yard for road and railway distances; the pint for draught ales and ciders in pubs. Some building and engineering materials are still made in Imperial dimensions.

8) Compound Arithmetic - for calculating commodity prices in those quantity and currency units. Taught in Primary Schools, which continued from Infants' School in teaching 'Arithmetic' I think they pretentiously now call "Mathematics".

9) Logarithms and their Slide-rule cousins for multiplication, division and power calculations; pre- electronic calculators. Logarithmic laws are still important in certain technical applications.

10) Gents' "barbers" who only ever knew one hair-style: 'Short Back & Sides'. Finished on request by rubbing on a dollop of greasy "Brylcreem", whose artificial gloss lasted only until you went to bed and the goo transferred itself to the pillow-case. They only ever knew two topics of conversation, too: the weather (well, this is in Britain!) and last night's boxing or football. Allegedly, these barbers were also among the only respectable family-planning places in town; as a discreet "Anything for the weekend, Sir?" was a euphemism meaning "Packet of condoms, Sir?" - presumably discreetly palmed over with the change and any requested 'Styptic Pencil' coagulent for shaving cuts. I say allegedly because by the time I was old enough for such things the "unisex" hairdressers had arrived, with much better service!
TheThinker · 56-60, M
@Tastyfrzz From auctions. The extra shilling (5p) would be the auctioneer's commission. So if you bought something for 100 guineas, you paid £105, the buyer would get £100, and the auctioneer would get £5.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@TheThinker ?¿ so why didn’t they just write it up that way?¿
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Tastyfrzz I am not sure of it over in this "here" either, which is why I said "allegedly". I never tried it and was never offered any! :-)

It was though a common belief that the barbers sold condoms, as well of course as the pharmacies, so some may well have done. I noticed condom-vending machines in the gents' toilets in pubs and the like, in the 1970s; but have not seen any for a long time now.
robb65 · 56-60, M
I can remember the local bank having a number you could call for the "time and temperature". I can remember one really cold winter morning calling every few minutes as the temp was dropping just before daylight. That would have been early 80's. I'm not sure when they discontinued that number but it must have been gone by the mid to late 80's. Back then clocks didn't automatically set themselves to the correct time like they do now. Forgot to wind the clock? Call the bank time and temp number.
Justme264 · 70-79, M
I remember all those
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I'm a little too young for party lines and radio tubes, although our TV had picture tubes.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn The cathode-ray tube lasted until really very recently - into the 2000. It had to until modern flat screens of sufficient resolution were developed.

It was responsible among things for computer monitors becoming such big heavy lumps even though all the rest of the machine relied on integrated circuits and physically small discrete components.

Using valves in radios really came to end in the early 1960s with the invention of the portable transistor radio, but they continued for quite a time afterwards in high-grade and high-power audio amplifiers. I recall seeing a 1kW audio-amplifier on test using an electric fire as its dummy load. It was the size of a wardrobe, and two output valves, visible through a ventilation grille, were each about a foot high by two inches diameter. I was told its frequency response was much better than even the most expensive "hi-fi" available!
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Back in the days ....

I remember
HannahSky · F
Kinda glad the party lines are over

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