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I Feel Like My Dreams Are Telling Me Something

I haven't got a book that tells you what your dreams mean, but I keep dreaming about travelling. I'm in a ship alone, in a small cabin with few belongings, the weather is balmy outside and I am glowing in the heat. We are coming into port and I must dress. It's a recognisable port, Safi with its road to Marrakech.....

I never get beyond landing at the port in my dream but it's intriguing. What does it mean?
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I've pulled out my dream book and found a few things. A calm boat trip means your current situation is free of worries. Reaching your destination and feeling like you are where you want to be means you've reached your goals in your career, love life or family situation. Waking up just before arrival means you have unreached goals. The interpretation of arriving is up for discussion in this case. I'll leave it to you which one applies here.
Complete · 41-45, F
I think you have unfinished business.
I read whenever you wake up from a dream just before your reach your destination, it means you are holding back on something. Not sure though how true this is.
mathsman · 70-79, M
A very good way to partly discover what our dreams mean is to talk with somebody else about the contents of the dream and listen to their comments and then keep talking
Newfound · 41-45, M
It means you have unreached goals and that you are concerned about not being able to complete them.

What is it that you want but are unable to have?

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