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Whats the point of trying to control your own feed when the yuck posters juz don't care ?

Admin says 'well you should just deny fetish and adult content' .
A'right ...done that .

Shit keeps rolling in 🤮

I lasted YEARS without blocking people.
Now it's every week, nearly EVERY time I come on here.

Dafuq is wrong with people 🙄
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Reject · 26-30, M
SW isn’t even dead. They update it regularly. So it’s very clear they just ignore their userbase.
@Reject i suppose you just can't monitor everything.
I don't know why I bother .

But then......if the stuff I see has ramped up , I don't even wanna think about the stuff I don't see .
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie It’s not a matter of monitoring everything though. Wouldn’t you think that years of the same complaint would eventually reach one of them?
@Reject The thing is ....this new algorithm was supposed to tailor our feed to suit us - supposedly.

But I'm not seeing posts from people I've friended, and if I do see them's like 7 or 11 hours, if not days later.
And I'm getting this stuff in my feed REAL time 🤷
The new algorithm was supposed to reduce conflict and user aggression .

Pfft 🙄....I'm not feeling that's what's ACTUALLY happened .😒
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie The new age of the internet is algorithms. I don’t like it, but admittedly some sites do it better than others. SW has the be the worst example of an attempted algorithm I’ve ever seen. It’s so bad people just want there to be no algorithm at all, or at least make it optional. The problem is that algorithms work best when there’s an insane amount of new content daily. So much that you couldn’t possibly look at all of it. Not for small sites like this where we need a feed to show us every single thing that gets posted because our userbase is so small we can actually keep up with it. Putting an algorithm on a less than a hundred posts a day has got to be the dumbest idea they’ve ever had.
@Reject From what I understand, the algorithm was put in place so SW content would be picked up by Google's search engine - making SW more visible .

Thing is... like you mentioned, this place is too small for it to work properly - it's just strangled a perfectly good feed .
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie It doesn’t matter if they advertise this website to the point the entire world sees it. If people come here and can’t see anything new popping up, they’re going to lose interest and leave. So even if they somehow became more visible because of this algorithm, it hasn’t helped anything. They should just focus on making the basic site appreciable, but instead all they want to do is add new features no one is asking for.
@Reject UGHHH, I've thought the exact same thoughts .

SW was doing FINE .

we had a great community , an awesome feel .
It was slowly growing and turning into something really amazing and unique.

Word woulda got out about this place and people woulda loved it .

It's a fine example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie Yes, you’re right. It wouldn’t be so bad if they would actually listen to us, but they don’t. They just work on their own visions for this place. Apparently it’s userbase doesn’t matter to them. They just want to do their own thing.
@Reject I sometimes wonder if it's a case of "they are so far down this rabbit hole now....they can't turn back.

Everything is based on this new algorithm they put in: the feeds, the association 'block' thing, the organisation and structure of the groups, the muting (hehe, that came out 'mating' - which is appropriate 🤗).

They would have to unravel years of work, and go back to the way it was .
I don't think programmers are programmed to accept that type of thinking .
It's all "we can patch it " , " we can tweak it" .

I think it's why it keeps getting worse. Every patch and tweak upsets something else.

I just wish they'd stuck with 'keep it simple" - it was half this place's charm - it was easy to use and navigate .
Even a techlexic dunce like me got the hang of it.
Now it crazy, all these sub menu forums, and drop downs and 3 differnt avenues to do the single same thing.
It's a mess .
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie I’m not tech savvy enough either to say if whether or not they can’t go back, but here’s what I can say. If this is true, and they actually are entirely unable to revert back to the old feed for whatever reason. They still have the power to communicate with us. So they could say; “We have been listening to your feedback and understand many of you want the old feed back, however…” then explain in simple terms why they just can’t do that. This would go a very long way to earning good karma with its users. You know what they did instead?

Whenever they posted an update and some user would comment about their dissatisfaction with the algorithm, they made another post asking us to only comment relevant things that are on topic. Basically saying they heard us and they just don’t care so stop bringing it up.
@Reject yeah well...that's kinda minimizing isn't it?😕
It is hard though, you know - when you fuck up big time .
I imagine they feel pretty bad about how their great ideals and their 'fantastic' algorithm really fucked the functionality and 'feel' of this place .
So they don't want to be reminded.

The thing that's gets me is...
Surely they saved the original set up of this place jic.
Ahhh well...sometimes people just don't want to see thru made a mistake 🤷
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie We’re talking about grown adults who are trying to run a successful business. Not the little kid on a playground who doesn’t want to admit they picked their nose. These are people I’d like to think are capable of receiving criticism and admitting faults. If they cannot then it’s no wonder this place is failing. We know why.
@Reject I truly think it's got something with the way programmers think .
My brother is the exact same - once set in a path he won't turn around .

I could be wrong .
But then much of this IS wrong 🙄
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie It’s a good thing businesses are typically a body of people with varying roles and not just programmers, but maybe in this case they’re all programmers who happen to think the exact same way, or even just the owner thinks this stubborn way and gives the order to follow it. Then the point still remains. Programmers aren’t meant to run a business which demands an amount of flexibility. So it’s obvious enough why things aren’t working. I mean it’s not asking a lot. We’re not saying they aren’t allowed to have an algorithm they can tweak to their hearts content. It’s as simple and making it optional. That’s it! They’ve already wasted years that could’ve been better spent doing that. Someone is messing up bad and until they confront that, this place will always be mediocre.