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I Feel Confused About These New Feelings

For the past week I have been dealing with a lot and going through a lot of pain. Not eating, broken sleep, nightmares, no motivation to do anything productive. Now, the pain is gone away but I feel empty and alone. Like something inside me died.
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MissPriscillaPrim · 70-79, T
Frank Zappa put it very well: "Alone is a natural state -- we are born alone, & alone we journey at last to the Great Whatever. Loneliness is quite different, a needless, self-pitying trap."
We're trained to get everything quickly & easily. While it's good we've advanced to such automated convenience, the lack of struggle, I think, is what causes boredom, and boredom used to be a great restful luxury -- how nice! No tiger about to eat me, no starvation or attacks by other violent cavemen, aaahh! Learning to accept time passing and listening to my steady breathing, that I'm OK at heart, I found is a powerful central healthy state. I recommend it. You can learn to meditate not with some Solemn Promise, but just a few moments at a time. A speed bump, not a mountain to climb. Happiness is nice but it's overrated. Accepting blah makes you strong and ready. I just like to share my blahblah about that.
Thank you. I'm also wondering if therapy is something that would be helpful fro me too. @MissPriscillaPrim
MissPriscillaPrim · 70-79, T
@onegirlgoth Though when I look back on the years & money I spent talking with counselors and groups less valuable than reading and meditation, I'd never want to discourage you from seeking a sympathetic ear to talk to who's trained in counseling. Just beware of those pushing one single answer or cause on everyone
It would seem something was sending you a message. Did you happen to find out what was behind the pain?
KevinConQueso · 31-35, M
well here is a picture of my fatass cat that people I know smile at
Thank you. @KevinConQueso
KevinConQueso · 31-35, M
@onegirlgoth I swear he just melts into that bed.
MissPriscillaPrim · 70-79, T
@KevinConQueso Wow, that's a fat one, all right, and I assume his or her hidden ass is also az fat az you say... I'm just a trusting fool that way :D
And yeah, da kittehs are great therapy

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