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Losing My Mom At Sixteen Years Old.

Okay so the truth comes out maybe about my anger. When I was 16 years old my mom died from a drug overdose. Not illegal drugs but prescription drugs. I guess it was announced she commited suicide. I was born with a condition called Dandy Walker Syndrome. Cause she drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, & of course took prescrption pills. While she was pregnant with me don't get me wrong I loved my mom. So I constantly read up about my condition to this day at 47 years old. That I see some traits described like people with my condition. Don't like to socialize an keep to themselves. I'm trying my best to talk to people more &:learned not to be antisocial. But I still fly off the handle sometimes just to stop communicating with people. If I can just find somone who likes what I do by myself that can lead up to something.

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