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My hub got a 40k dollar bill from the hospital.

His copay was only $900. but that's a lot of money to run a few tests for 3 or 4 day stay. tf
twiigss · M
40k just for tests??? That's crazy. Knee ligament replacement surgery costs 95k. State assistance is nice because they back pay medical bills from 3 months ago, and anything medical, prescriptions, you pay $0. Only problem is, if you had carpal tunnel surgery paid for by state assistance and then 3 months later had to have it again, state assistance won't pay for it a second time. And of course they'll only pay for medically necessary surgeries, nothing cosmetic.
paulio · M
its madness, in uk its all free, my wife had six major operations for bowel cancer, stayedin hospital for months, loads of medicine which she is still tkaing, it only cost me for parking about $20.america needa national health eservice, the riches tocuntry in the world and it cant even keep its citizens healthy.
twiigss · M
@paulio I've heard the complete opposite about universal health care. I've heard that it isn't as great, like the care from nurses is good, but the actual surgery, or medication is lacking because so many people are able to be treated, or something like that.

But it definitely sucks when you have to pay so much money out of pocket for things here in the states.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Well if he was an illegal it would be free

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