CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Of course not. I see no point in sharing them. What for?
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Desertteddesert · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover Yeah maybe. But then again, you don't wanna be in the dark in life either
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Desertteddesert Yeah but that's better to be reserved for real life, not online space.
Desertteddesert · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover Unless ur a boss like me who deserves a follower or 3 😁
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I share my thoughts open but remain classified with my identity such as my contact info.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I share my thoughts pretty openly in my own posts. With other people I share my thoughts if they ask a question. The tricky thing is a lot if people ask questions here that they mean is rhetorically, not that they actually want to hear users thoughts/opinions. Then they get all huffy if you don’t agree with their thoughts.
Of course I share my thoughts. I may not always share my identity. But thats the reason we are here
my full identity would get instant IP ban like I have on Reddit and tinder.
I share most of my thoughts on here. I'm never fake, it's not my style. Most people block me because I overshare and I can be emotional but I don't care. I'm me and going through some shit rn lol This is the one place judgement doesn't bother me anymore. Maybe it's the ignorant ass trolls that desensitized me to the cruelty of, kick you when you're down, but I know they have their own pain they obviously don't feel safe enough to share. So we're all in this together. Wherever we are in life. I guess that kind of inspires me to share how I feel and encourage others along their journey. There is a lot of opportunities to be honest and make a difference.
I do. I dont expect to meet anyone who thinks of me negatively .
HumanEarth · F
I agree with @Queendragonfly I have the same views as her on this.
Magenta · F
Only a small amount. It serves no purpose for me.
Desertteddesert · 26-30, M
Idk my life is actually pretty boring lol. I don't mind at all
Neoerectus · M
If you insist..
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
The anonymity of online chat is a double-edged sword. It can keep you (arguably) safe, but it also enables bullying.
Desertteddesert · 26-30, M
@uncalled4 Both reasons why there are better ppl alive