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My thoughts on friendship

I've been misunderstood by some people for things but almost every ended friendship of mine... They've tried to come back and be my friend again. But I have to respect myself and boundaries. Depending on the situations.
Otherwise though, my best friends have been my friends almost my entire life lol i love them with all of my heart for sure
I guess I'm one of those people who has a lot of energy so a lot of people can read it the completely wrong way and I can be very overwhelming and exhausting for people I guess.
So when I'm faced with those people it's like okay. I guess I'm bothering you. I'll just leave

And then they end up missing me and trying to be my friend again. But I'm like no, no, my feelings are still hurt lol

There's more details but that would require me to write a full novel 🤣

And that sounds like I'm not admitting my own faults but I'm aware of them. I'm probably a lil more aware than I should be of them. We all make mistakes right but also not everybody is meant to be your friend. Being occupied is one thing of course but if someone’s purposely picking and choosing when they want to treat you like a friend (or at least treat you like a person) then that’s one-sided and a one-sided friendship isn’t a real friendship. And I’d rather have only 1 friend that I can trust 100% of the time than 100 friends I can only trust 1% of the time.
WatchThis · 41-45, M
Agreed. I’m sorry people have treated you this way. I’m still working on that one friend, but whoever it is, they’ll be worth waiting for. My fault is that I’m quick to write people off. If we’re developing and then, all of a sudden they don’t have time for me, I’m perfectly fine with it; moving on. I don’t get my feelings hurt and I won’t waste a whole lot of time on that person in the future. Just the way I’ve always been
Spectra · 26-30, F
@WatchThis I can be like that sometimes too
I've found women especially attractive ones often struggle to even have friends because guys mostly just want to bust them out and girls get all jelly without a thought in the world for the quality of the guys that throw themselve after them like all they see is everyone wants her so they resent her.
Spectra · 26-30, F
@BetweenKittensandRiots Yea I deal with that a lot unfortunately
@Spectra If I'm forth coming I'm not asexual by any stretch of the imagination but I think people need a healthy mix of relationship styles and AWFUL for the pretty ones as a result like knowing how much everyones all pretty privilege and thne realizing the reality of it just ... and The thing I hate about pity the most though is a lot of people think we look down on those we feel it for when in reality every time i have EVER hada crush it's BLENDED with role modelesque sentiments ike the girls i LIKE HAVE traits I myself WANT to be more LIKE so I actually look up to them as inspiring despite the pity.

[media=https://youtu.be/bCTvykK-Hq8] its knowing about this that got this song sent my way by women in the first place like yeah it's not anywhere near the privilege peope think it is.

Emilie Autumn - Thank God i'm pretty.
newuser188 · 26-30, M
some times its good just to be by yourself.

people are shit
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Quality, I prefer, over quanitity, every time with friendships.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Quality friends are better than quantity friend
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
You are right to have standards, boundries, and self-respect.

My two best friends are ones I've known for 45 and 58 years.
val70 · 51-55
You're alright. Next item

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