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Being an stripper is hard

You can litterally have an whole club of guys reject you in less than an hour and some are just horrible about it , its hard not to take it personally and hate your body or apparence as thats what your judged on as well as personality. Then you worry constantly if your going to take home an decent amount of money that night or not or even get any. And its even harder if you have body image issues or have/had eating disorders. Ive had body dismorphia since I was 5 , I wanted an boob job and I thought I was fat , ive never gotten past that even with years of thearpy.
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I can only have an estimation of how hard it is but I would think you would need to be able to build a mental barrier to not take rejection personally.

I think it's important to be aware that your potential customers will all have different characteristics that they are looking for and it's not your fault if you don't happen to match - don't blame yourself. They ought to be polite and respectful though - there is no excuse for nasty comments or abuse.

One thing I would say is that I think it is important for a performer to be fully at ease in their own body and to love themselves. In fact that is probably true for us all.
DianaSQ · 36-40, F
You need to find another job and stop stripping until you get everything sorted out. It's going to take you down the wrong road fast.

Once your better, do what you want. I am not against stripping, but you don't want to cause yourself any more mental abuse. Get some help...

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