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Is it fair

So I met someone online over 3 months, we started talking and we like it each other , we then started talking about meeting and we decided to meet in Mexico 🇲🇽. So in preparation to us going to Mexico , he bought his ticket and he paid accommodation, I also then bought my ticket .

After that we realised I had to have visa and the flights were already booked. We decided that we would postpone the trip post two weeks.. he then booked another flight and accommodation. And the told us in Mexican embassy I cannot get visa .. I was so devastated and hurt .. and I felt bad that he spent money for nothing . I proposed to give him the money back which was 1000 $ and he refused ..

Down the line we decided we will do another trip to Barbados 🇧🇧.. and he said okay u will pay for accommodation and I agreed .. one of these days I lied and said I had already paid for the accommodation while I didn’t . It was wrong of me I know and I opened up to him . I apologised and I said I will book it .. he first said he understood the. One day later he started Reminding me about the money that he had just spent and then he also said I should give him the 1000 back ( the total expenditure for the previous trip )

I then asked him since im paying for accommodation now 1,300 should I also give u back the money too? He then asked me that how can I ask that .. that I should be technical

Sorry if I just juggled around words , please anyone give me any advices or answers or what .. is this a fair game on me because I think I’m crazy ..

I don’t know how I feel about everything
easyvicky · 31-35, F Best Comment
Firstly, I agree with ExperienceDLT that meeting someone who you only cummunicated with online is risky. Hopefully you guys videocalled many times as it's better to feel people out that way. As for the money, you've been very generous to pay for the second trip. It's not your fault alone that you could not get a visa. You shouldn't give him the money. If he insists then cancel the trip and move on.
Nomvuyo1780 · 22-25, F
@easyvicky thank u so much !!! My head is feeling a lot clearer right now ! Exactly I thought I was crazy for thinking the same .. I need to communicate with him and be transparent.

Don't give any money directly to him in case it's a scam.
Nomvuyo1780 · 22-25, F
@jackrabbit10 yes but he said he didn’t have insurance when he bought the ticket .
@Nomvuyo1780 tell him to show you the ticket,,it sounds more like he is trying to get a free trip,,plus a beautiful lady with money,,be ware of such men,,,🐰
@Nomvuyo1780 I think in my head, it's risky because you've never actually met him. You could be placing yourself in a dangerous situation.
Plus that's exactly how scammers work. Laying levels of trust. Maybe even paying for something initially to gain your trust and then taking you to the cleaners as you use their first act of kindness to justify that they're okay and love you.
Just don't be too trusting too soon.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Hate to be critical, but not being honest with each other is not the way to start a relationship ...
Have you had video chat with him, because maybe he's a catfish
Nomvuyo1780 · 22-25, F
I have like twice but he says his always busy @RadiantRuby
Selah ·
I dont like any of this.
Nomvuyo1780 · 22-25, F
@Selah 🥺🥺🥺yeah
Meeting anyone you have never met before anywhere is a risky proposition
Nomvuyo1780 · 22-25, F
@ExperienceDLT yeah it is definitely 🥺
should split the two bills,1,100,50 each 🐰
Nomvuyo1780 · 22-25, F
@jackrabbit10 that makes sense ! Thanks
nedkelly · 61-69, M
On-Line = means he is married and cheating on his partner
if you pay for the full amount ,,charge him for the sex,,,and other pleasures,🐰

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