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I Am Full Of Controversial Thoughts

I believe in the separation of church and state. If your religious beliefs impinge on the rights of other humans, I do not want that anywhere near the laws of my country. If you would like to believe in inequality then do it in private.
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Yulianna · 26-30, F
i agree, but the we are faced with people who believe it is their duty, within their own organised belief system, to establish a religious state, be that islamic, hindu, or fundamentalist christian. This state will be intolerant of dissenting views, and will persecute those who follow them.

At the core of fundamentalism is the absolute conviction that one is right and that god is on one's side. Non believers have no status, no value, within this system. It is the ultimate "Us and no one else".
Pfuzylogic · M
The Separation means that there is no National Religon such as the Church of England put in by Henry VIII. The representatives we vote in government are to use their Ethics/conscience to make laws. This can and will include their background with the Church.
AfroDOS · 31-35, M
Separation of church and states , makes sure there isn’t bias on the basis of religion when laws aren’t made . @Pfuzylogic
Pfuzylogic · M
@AfroDOS The position I am sharing was expanded on by Barbara Jordan in the Taft series of lectures in the early 90s. Elected officials are expected to make decisions from their background whatever it might be.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Good luck with that... The battle lines have been getting drawn for quite a while now
AfroDOS · 31-35, M
gregloa · 61-69, M
Wrong we have freedom of religion in the USA not separation. Youall miss interpreted the law. Why don’t you go be unreligious in private! Your unbelief impinge on the rights of other believers. Hypocrisy at its finest. Repent and obey the gospel before it’s too late.
Wheelzndealz · 22-25, F
@gregloa I’m not American. Law does NOT equal religion. The laws are in place to maintain a civil society, not to deny people their basic human rights. Under the United Nationals Declaration of Human Rights, most ‘religious arguments’ are immoral and universally illegal.

Human rights come before myth.
AfroDOS · 31-35, M
Talk about uneducated @gregloa
@AfroDOS Seriously.
I agree with you. But it's ironic now how even some people who complain about different religions see nothing at all wrong with allowing their own religious beliefs to interfere with other people's lives.

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