SoFine · 46-50, F
The mind chatter, the endless chatter that goes around and around.
You can trap you in ......or know when you trap you in....
You can listen to the chatter as if it is the truth of you.
You can listen to it, as the truth.
So the duster is silence.
The silence will free you from the dust of past events.
We catch us when we trap us in, when we mull over the ex-wife, the ex-boss/friend.
To be free is to have the silence be the dominant state of being.
Many fail, as they don't put in the time to be dust free and let the sun shine in.
Quote for you:
Silent thought, is, after all, the mightiest agent in human affairs.—Channing.
You can trap you in ......or know when you trap you in....
You can listen to the chatter as if it is the truth of you.
You can listen to it, as the truth.
So the duster is silence.
The silence will free you from the dust of past events.
We catch us when we trap us in, when we mull over the ex-wife, the ex-boss/friend.
To be free is to have the silence be the dominant state of being.
Many fail, as they don't put in the time to be dust free and let the sun shine in.
Quote for you:
Silent thought, is, after all, the mightiest agent in human affairs.—Channing.
The silence is a myth to me lol the duster was the ability to dust the skeletons in my closet as opposed to hiding them in shame allowing them to haint me from the corners. There's nothing to fear. I take the skeletons out for a walk while I brandish my duster 👍 gotta love inspiring non sense eh?😜
Yay for metaphors lol
Yay for metaphors lol
VioletShadows · 56-60, F
@TwistedTitus: ah Metaphors and Symbolism..the stuff of dreams...and really good poetry....
@VioletShadows: beautiful isn't it? It's the only way I can help people see things from my perspective 😉
VioletShadows · 56-60, F
I get the impression it may be a job for a professional cleaning service ;-)
I'll clean it all babe 😘 just don't get mad when I pull out my tools as they destroy the debris so I can clean it out thoroughly