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Is it necessary to get a 256 GB phone or is 128 GB enough?

I won't be changing it for at least 5 years. My current phone is from 2019 and it's starting to show it's age. I would leave it but I need to be able to use a phone with a functioning voice assistant because I depend on it sometimes.

I did get a new secondary phone with lower specs from Xiaomi but it has limited features and it's voice assistant never hears me in the street even if I yell at it, one time it hears me and 10 times it doesn't which is ridiculous. So I'm selling it and I will get a good phone to use as my main phone and my main phone will be my secondary.
I need 2 phones because I control the main one with the secondary with a Bluetooth mouse app when I'm in bed. I have a picture of my set up but I am nervous about sharing it anywhere.

So I can get a 128 gb phone or pay a bit more and get the 256 gb version of the same phone which I got in mind and be in a little debt with myself. There's a discount on the 128 one so I'm trying to come to a decision 🤔

Edit: No discount it was an old link.
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Get the most you can, if it's fixed memory w/no expansion.
How much memory are you actually using on your current phone and is that enough or do you need to hold back on some things?
@NerdyPotato Around 118 gb including 10 gb of movies that can easily be deleted anytime I needed the space but I will be pretty much starting from scratch with the new phone. I found a better deal and it's 256 so I will just get it.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Get the 256gb for sure
eMortal · M
64 is enough.
@eMortal Yea in 2015

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