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hi..,I'm daria,felt like i need to share my feelings to other people

i want to share my feelings because i know it makes other people feel not alone,but also it makes me feel safe🙂. I'm just a 13 year old girl who has a really simple case of discouragement.
I feel like my life is falling apart. I have strict parents that make me do everything around the house and also pushes me hard to be the smartest in my class. I'm trying,i really am,but whatever i seem to do it is not enough. My life is just a eternal cycle,i wake up go to school,do my homework,study,and do more work because i dont wanna disappoint my parents. i wake up early and finish late. I cry every night before sleeping and its getting out of control. And i do this and do this but what's it gonna be in the end..? If at this age im already being compared to people that work less harder than me what will happen when im older? What am i gonna do when things get more serious? I really wonder. My friends only care about me giving them homework and answers to the test. They definitely won't text me or reach out to me just because they want to interact.
Is life really worth it?Is it gonna get better? When are non-toxic people gonna appear in my life? I have no escape from this.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Sounds to me like you need a bigtime attitude adjustment to start with....nothing willl change unless you change it!!!
Welcome to SW .
Be positive .
And please so do not think much .

Welcome. Standard rules apply for warnings to teens about social media, only a lot more strenuously

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