JestAJester · 31-35, M
Chocolate fixes everything

@JestAJester chocolate does make me happier.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
mindstruggle · F
I feel ya. I’m so sorry.

@mindstruggle thanks
LiLShrimp · 22-25, F
Painkillers shall provide a temporary relief to both
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
Take Aleve.It will stop the cramp and pain.
Itsjustbrit · 26-30, F
Same cramps are the worst. I have had my cycle ongoing for 3 weeks and the cramps are so bad.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
I can't speak about the cramps, but I have had some nasty headaches....
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
I don’t get my period anymore