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I Am a Bully

I will admit, throughout school, especially my high school days, I was a bully. Still kinda am. I don't care though, it toughens people up. Everyone needs a little bullying in their life.
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YoMomma ·
no. just no.

nobody needs that.
Dollar · 26-30, M
I was bullied in my earlier years. Made me learn how to grow a pair and man the fuck up and fight my own battles. I was such a weakling back then.
YoMomma ·
sorry to hear that but I think.. you learned wrongly from it
LittleUnicorn · 26-30
I was bullied, and no, I think no one deserves that. Wth.
karenof4 · 36-40, F
Some don't need it or deserve it
ajsk13 · 51-55, M
till someone gets fed up and shows you being a bully is detrimental to your health... I know a few guys that wish they chose a different path ..
SugarRush · 31-35, F
Bullies pick on others because they're unhappy in their own lives. It doesn't prove anything other than how low they're willing to stoop to feel better. Shame.
Dollar · 26-30, M
Why would I be unhappy? I have two amazing parents and a cool little brother, a beautiful pet dog, I got decent grades and all my teachers were nice to me.
SugarRush · 31-35, F
@Dollar: Maybe it's subconscious but you're hurting inside somewhere and for some reason. Either that or your a sociopath.
SugarRush · 31-35, F
Or it's a defence mechanism. You've been bullied and in order not to be bullied again, you become the bully.
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Dollar · 26-30, M
No, the kids who cry to their teachers or their parents are cowards for not actually throwing a punch. If they woulda stood up to me I wouldn't have targeted them at all.
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