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Man...My students can be ruthless 🤣

One of my students asked me why my eyes pop out the way that they do. I said "That’s just how they are" and he told me I look funny like I've been eating sour candy....I know I have big eyes but dang 🤣
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
The only response is, "OH yeah? Well, you got a big nose. And your mother dresses you funny." See how they like it.
msros · F
You cant change your face, it is the only one you have been born with.
LolitaDoll · 18-21, FNew
ur eyes are pretty
Nebula · 41-45, F
Oh wow hahahaha. I love that kids just say whatevers on their mind though
Teslin · M
Are your students young enough to say "out of the mouths of babes" ? 😊
That was rude. You're beautiful.

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