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More detail on how it feels for us

During our school and college years, my girlfriend and I were the epitome of the elite. We strutted through the halls with an air of superiority, relishing in our status as the untouchable rulers of our social domain. Our impeccable fashion sense, cutting wit, and exclusive parties made us the envy of our peers—or so we thought. We looked down on everyone else, seeing them as mere pawns in our grand game of social dominance. We prided ourselves on our ability to intimidate and belittle those we deemed beneath us, using our influence to ensure we stayed on top.

However, a few brave souls dared to stand up to us. These moments of rebellion were rare, but when they happened, they left a mark. The first time someone challenged our authority, it shook us. Gradually, more followed, and the facade of our invincibility began to crack. Our once-loyal followers saw that we were not as untouchable as we had led them to believe. The power we wielded so effortlessly started to slip through our fingers.

Fast forward to today, and the tables have turned dramatically. We are no longer the adored figures we once were. Instead, we are seen as tragic relics of a bygone era, shunned by the very people we once lorded over. The whispers and sideways glances are a constant reminder of our fall from grace. Our former victims now hold their heads high, while we slink through life, haunted by the fear of encountering them or their families.

The fear is palpable. Every social event, every trip to the supermarket, every casual stroll holds the potential for a humiliating encounter. What if they confront us? What if they expose our past to anyone who still respects us? We dread the possibility of running into them, of hearing their scathing remarks, or worse, seeing their pitying smiles. Our once-glamorous lives are now overshadowed by the specter of retribution, and we are left to navigate a world where our former arrogance has made us outcasts.

Our current predicament is a bitter pill to swallow. We live in a constant state of anxiety, knowing that the people we once tormented are out there, living their lives without the burden of fear we now carry. The social hierarchy we once commanded has inverted, and we find ourselves at the bottom, grappling with the reality of our tarnished reputations. The consequences of our past actions have caught up with us, and we are left to face the harsh truth: we are no longer the kings and queens of our world, but rather, the tragic figures everyone else has moved on from.
You must forgive yourself cause I’m sure it’s not as bad as the devil is making it seem. I’m not diminishing your previous actions .. but just saying that people move on and most normal and well adjusted people accept how it was but go on with their lives. If it bothers you so much, one thing you can do is seek them out one by one and apologize. That is a good way to heal.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Ok, thanks for putting it into perspective a bit more. It’s upsetting at the moment, but you are right. @NoGamesTolerated
@Strongtea I’m sure it’s upsetting.. 🤗
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
Reminds me of some real C***s like this at school,many decades ago. You've made an issue out of your past,of your own bringing. You'll always be seen by the few from school as you were,but the many you meet from now,shouldn't be .
If you've truly changed that is
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Yes, I know, we’ve brought it on ourselves 🥺. We have changed. @HotPizza71
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Strongtea · 22-25, M
Thankyou for this, you’re a very cool person. I’m not, but I do hope to become one, I’m going to try, I promise. @Gangstress
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Strongtea youre doing ok mate

Just be yourself x
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Thankyou.😊 🥺😊@Gangstress

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