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And what if you enjoy being mean to her? How does that make you any different? Better to let that stuff go. Bullies usually have more going on than we understand. It’s one thing to speak against them, but something very different to enjoy hurting someone.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@BrokenAbyss respect is a two way street. And people are gonna treat her the way she treats people. It's not about "enjoyment". It's about reciprocation. She should get what she deserves.
@assemblingaknob do you know her well? Do you know why she acted the way she did?
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
@BrokenAbyss Yes I used to know her. She was my friend. Until this one "popular" girl decided to bully me at work because of my good performance. And as she was "popular" and had connections, my friend decided she was far better off being friends with a more resourceful person, so she started playing this mind game with me where in front of the bully she would ignore me and act like I was invisible, she'd even get up from beside me to go and sit down with the other girl when she'd arrive to show her she's inmportant and I'm not. It was strange at first, I thought I'm imagining it, until it became too blatant and loud. So I stopped talking to her too. But then she started telling my best friend that she didn't know why I stopped talking. She started playing the victim by projecting her own tactics on me!