I Am Against Bullying

Random History: I was bullied a lot as I went to 7 different Primary schools. My father was a public servant. My mum told me violence is always wrong and not to fight. I was chubby and insecure. Then I got into the Athletic squad, Shot put and Discus and started to train. The bullying kept on going coz I was the big kid who didn't fight back and just took it. At college it kept up. I was doing Judo by then. it kept on going. Then one day the local "Bully" and his group started on me again. He went to push me around and I don't know what it was about that day, but I snapped. Text books went every where. He was face down on the ground, my foot in his armpit and a wrist lock on. I angrily said words to the effect of "I am sick and tired of this, do not hassle me any more!!". And they didn't, in fact they wanted to be my friends. Thanks but No Thanks!
I hate bullies and stand up to them when ever I can.