I Am Sometimes Antisocial
Overall, I just really enjoy being alone.. I will go out of my way to avoid having a conversation with someone, especially if I haven't seen them in a while. For some reason people love to have small talk, I cannot stand having a conversation with someone that is not stimulating for me. Often, it is referred to as "SMALL TALK". The old "Hey How are you?" Good "We gotta get together sometime soon" Yeah for sure. and then you never see or hear from them afterwards. It is like that is something you're just supposed to say to someone when you haven't seen them in awhile. That bothers me, and it's not even because I want to see and hang out with these people. It's the fact that is normalized bullshit this society has created. I try my best to either wave or just say a quick 'hello' and continue walking because that way I'm showing non-verbally that I am on the move. I am an introverted so I really do not enjoy giving my energy away when I feel it is unnecessary. My happy place is on a lake at camp, with my dog. No cell reception, no problem. :) /RANT OVER lol