Dont let yourself hang all alone if it is too hard. Seek help. Neurologist+Psychologist+Doctor+Nutritionist+maybe even an exercise coach.
Verify if it is some condition or really, just stress (burnout), and see what they will say about how you can improve your health. You may need therapy... or a different career. Don't be afraid to shake your life up a little and make changes... it is your life and you decide what to do with it. Your health comes first. Keep fighting to maintain it, and it will pay back with great results! Find solace in the thought that even hard times, have an end. You can persevere and shine out surprisingly well no matter your environment. Believe that you can do it, and you will.
Verify if it is some condition or really, just stress (burnout), and see what they will say about how you can improve your health. You may need therapy... or a different career. Don't be afraid to shake your life up a little and make changes... it is your life and you decide what to do with it. Your health comes first. Keep fighting to maintain it, and it will pay back with great results! Find solace in the thought that even hard times, have an end. You can persevere and shine out surprisingly well no matter your environment. Believe that you can do it, and you will.