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I have a motto that is dear to me and has worked wonderfully.

Sometimes we have people that lie to us and that's not cool. Not ever. These are people who are toxic to our lives, so we must move on. If we don't, we allow ourselves to stay victimized and that's not the way we're supposed to live. My motto is:

Never allow yesterday to steal joy from today.

It works very well. When given a choice to live glad or sad, I will choose "glad" every time. This speaks of a healthy mind and if you have a healthy mind, you're going to have a healthier body.

Love others. It doesn't cost anything and it's a wonderful way to live.

Help others when you can. Not only does it bless them, but you feel the blessings a thousand times more.
I think this is a wonderful mindset to have.
@robingoodfellow Thank you.

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