Are you feeling scared of your future, in this day and age?
You can take this as it is, or you can reject it. That's up to you. Everyone has their own thoughts on this and that's okay, but I want to tell you something and if you disagree, that's okay, but please be civil about it and adult-like in your replies.
I hope you will know that there is hope in Jesus. He keeps me going in this scary day and age, and He gives me hope, because what some don't realize is, the Bible does not lie. Jesus is coming back in the rapture, and I believe sooner than we think, although many don't believe it, but it is definitely biblical and scripture-based, but that is not the same as His Second Coming. It's different than that.
Those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Bible says will not taste of death, because we will be going up in the rapture before the real hard times come, and I wrote a post about that, if you'd like me to send it to you. So I hope you won't dismiss it.
But just think....those who are followers of Christ..... shall not see death, when He comes in the rapture to take them out of here and up to heaven, before the tribulation period starts. I do not truthfully believe that it won't be that long, because the prophecy signs are there, that Jesus will come and rapture (take out) His followers to heaven. The spiritual bodily change will take place before you can even blink your eyes (1st Corinthians 15:51-52). Here it is on the prophetic calendar:
The purpose of this event, is because He is keeping His promise to save His children from the coming terrible events that will happen on Earth when the Antichrist takes over Israel.
That particular event (the rapture) shall usher in the Great Tribulation period. God always keeps His promises, we can count on that, and He promised that He would save His children from the "wrath to come" (1 Thes. 1:10), which is nothing but the tribulation period, and the battle of Armageddon. Jesus is our only hope and safety in this world. IF one wants to believe! We can believe and receive, or we will doubt and do without. God is no liar and He keeps His promises in His Word.
Others will tell you that's a bunch of bull, but don't believe them. That's what the devil wants us to believe, but God's Word says differently, and who can we trust, but God? Man surely isn't going to save anyone. God's character is that He is perfect and he cannot lie. So please do not give up hope. I don't know about you, but I believe what God said in His Word, and I will not be left behind. I'm going up in the rapture, guaranteed, and I hope you will, too. Anyone can have Christ as Savior. He turns no one away. Just ask Him to save you, and He promises to do so. Jesus said today is the day to come to Jesus. This is something that he does not want us to put off.
I hope you will know that there is hope in Jesus. He keeps me going in this scary day and age, and He gives me hope, because what some don't realize is, the Bible does not lie. Jesus is coming back in the rapture, and I believe sooner than we think, although many don't believe it, but it is definitely biblical and scripture-based, but that is not the same as His Second Coming. It's different than that.
Those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the Bible says will not taste of death, because we will be going up in the rapture before the real hard times come, and I wrote a post about that, if you'd like me to send it to you. So I hope you won't dismiss it.
But just think....those who are followers of Christ..... shall not see death, when He comes in the rapture to take them out of here and up to heaven, before the tribulation period starts. I do not truthfully believe that it won't be that long, because the prophecy signs are there, that Jesus will come and rapture (take out) His followers to heaven. The spiritual bodily change will take place before you can even blink your eyes (1st Corinthians 15:51-52). Here it is on the prophetic calendar:
The purpose of this event, is because He is keeping His promise to save His children from the coming terrible events that will happen on Earth when the Antichrist takes over Israel.
That particular event (the rapture) shall usher in the Great Tribulation period. God always keeps His promises, we can count on that, and He promised that He would save His children from the "wrath to come" (1 Thes. 1:10), which is nothing but the tribulation period, and the battle of Armageddon. Jesus is our only hope and safety in this world. IF one wants to believe! We can believe and receive, or we will doubt and do without. God is no liar and He keeps His promises in His Word.
Others will tell you that's a bunch of bull, but don't believe them. That's what the devil wants us to believe, but God's Word says differently, and who can we trust, but God? Man surely isn't going to save anyone. God's character is that He is perfect and he cannot lie. So please do not give up hope. I don't know about you, but I believe what God said in His Word, and I will not be left behind. I'm going up in the rapture, guaranteed, and I hope you will, too. Anyone can have Christ as Savior. He turns no one away. Just ask Him to save you, and He promises to do so. Jesus said today is the day to come to Jesus. This is something that he does not want us to put off.
Are you rapture ready?