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Is suicide wrong?

I'm 37 years old now my body is covered in scars from how much I hate myself. I have been like this since I was 14 years old. I would do it but the truth is I just don't have the courage. I have suffered since Im 14 that means things will never improve they will only get worse.

I have seen doctor after doctor I'm exhausted. I ask myself how bad is sucicide Because your not hurting anyone else. If I'm suffering I should be free from pain.
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Bushi, God is real and alive. No doubt about it. Don't let anyone tell you differently. There's no guessing about it for me and others I have seen who turned to him in desperate times, and in fact, thousands upon thousands in the world that have turned to him in their time of need and found comfort, peace, and joy the passes all understanding.

God is the one who made us and guess what he called us. His crown creation! He made us to live, not to take our own lives. And when we turn to him and accept him as our Lord and Savior, I didn't understand it either, before I accepted him as my Lord and Savior, but when I did, and invited him into my heart and life forever, I was shocked to find out that he was, who he said he is. He did something I didn't even know anything about, and was totally unexpected. When I gave my all, I received Jesus' all, and he sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of me, to lead me and guide me through life, when I was at the very dead bottom of my life and the only place I had to look was up! To Him! He did not disappoint!!

I have seen miracles in my life and others, as well. Don't ever think God doesn't see you. He knows you better than you know yourself and he came so that you could have a better life. He knows you intricately, everything about you. He even knows how many hairs you have on your head and when one falls to the ground. He sees and knows your sorrows and wants to help, if you'll let him. Jesus is the best friend you could ever have in your whole life. How do you get acquainted? Just like you would any other friend in your life that you meet. You go to him and talk to him through prayer. It don't have to be anything fancy and you don't have to say any special words, just be yourself. That's all you have to do. There's nothing that you could say or do that would surprise God about you. He loves you more than words could ever say, and he will never leave you nor abandon you. That's a promise! He proved His love for us, on the cross, when he died to pay for our sins, so that when we go to him and ask him to forgive us of our sins, and give us a brand new life in him, he does that, and not only does he forgive us of our sins...He remembers them no more, and we start a brand new life in him. We also inherit eternal life in heaven. You are His creation and he loves you! There's nothing you have to do, to win his love, because he already loves and accepts you, with all his heart and soul. The Bible says he even knew you in your mother's womb, before you were born. He knows every teardrop that has fallen from your eyes, and for those tears, He came to give you a better life. He wants the very best for you.... just look at what he says about you in Jeremiah 29:11:

" I know the plans I have for you. Plans to help you and not hurt you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

Isn't that just beautiful? He loves you that much! He's got big plans for you and no matter how much you think your life doesn't count, it definitely does, and you've probably got talents you didn't even know you had. The Lord will give you strength to get through whatever you have to get through, but he definitely wants you here! He is our hope and our future.

I've seen miracles from God in my life, my family's, and others. He's real, alright. I'm going to be sending you a couple things that I posted about miracles. I especially want you to read about my daughter's pure miracle.

You're going to have a lot of people coming at you telling you there is no God, and what have you, but keep the faith and your focus on Jesus, and you will see for yourself that God is so real and He wants to interact with you and comfort you and guide you, just as He does others who come and ask him to be their Lord and Savior. You are definitely not alone. No one will ever love you like Jesus. He is our very best friend in the whole world. And it is the purpose of His Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us, give us comfort and joy. In fact, His Holy Spirit transforms our lives for the better, when we come to Jesus and ask him for help. You can't help but do better and feel better, when the Holy Spirit from God, His own Holy Spirit, comes to live in you. That is the transformation that only God can give, and wants to give you. He will never turn anyone away that comes to him for salvation and a brand new life. That is a promise from God and God is no liar. He always keeps his word. He never breaks a promise, so you can rely on him to keep his word. I know from loving him and fellowshipping with him for 50 years, that he is trustworthy. So you just hang in there. Things are about to change and get better!! ❤😁🙏🤗🌹😂
As promised, here's how I found Jesus.

Next, I'll send you the story of how God saved my daughter from dying.
My daughter's real life miracle:

The doctors all told her she'd be dead by next week, but God stepped in....
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
No matter how bad your situation is remember my God loves you and he wants you to live in his beautiful world. God knows your pain and you are not alone. Praying for you.
bushi2020 · 36-40, M
@teachmetiger210503 how do we know god is real?
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
@bushi2020 o he is so real , you can experience him personally if you seek him. The existence of this beautiful world and universe is a testimony in itself that there is a God, a maker. Jesus came and died to save sinners so that you and I can have eternal life in him. May God make himself known to you , I tell you your world will turn upside down with joy.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
We'll be fine. Life seems like a waste everyday. But we'll drag it out. You're doing your best. That is all that matters.
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In God's eyes, it is. Check this out. It is the true story of how my pastor as a teenager tried to hang himself.
Don't do that. It's not worth it. Rather invest your time on yourself.
bushi2020 · 36-40, M
@SW-User I go to the gym and I used to program. Is that what you mean?.
@bushi2020 Yes
Try living for yourself and God.
bushi2020 · 36-40, M
@SW-User no proof god is real
You say you hate yourself, and I wonder if you know why... If you could find compassion for yourself, maybe that could overcome the feelings of hate and self harm. Be kind and gentle to you. 🌺
bushi2020 · 36-40, M
@SW-User I know why
@bushi2020 It's good that you understand yourself at least. Some people actually don't know why they feel the way they do.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
Bushi there is no afterlife. Don't go in this direction. Permanent decision that can't be reversed about to happen. Stop posting on here about suicide thoughts and find a professional to help you. Best of luck.
Beyond that!
It's Not even worth a thought.
Malai · 22-25, F
Yes it's still a bad move ⏰✨

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