my best friend has another best friend now. first we used to message a lot but now she messages her instead and our conversations are really dry and boring now, and she brings up that same friend I’m not angry she is really sweet both of them. They both have the same music tastes and like the same things but me and this friend have nothing in common whereas they have like everything in common. It’s just that when I meet someone I’m really excited every-time I talk to this person I am energetic but after I while I just go dry and I don’t know why even tho I really like being friends with this person something happens and it’s been repetitive I legit don’t even know what’s going on. This is the reason I’m always the friend left behind and I’m not ok with it but I have to be on the bright side however I really like my own company over others that’s a given and even if this friend decides to leave me I will be embarrassed and sad but I can always sit in the library by myself do some work, daydream etc. I know it’s coming I just want to get it over and done with. I will probably cry but I’ll move on I always do. FIGHTINGGGGGGGGGG