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thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
I despise it. My parents went down the religious rabbit hole really hardcore when I was a kid and it really messed my childhood up.
marke · 70-79, M
Every sinner who rejects God ends up getting really messed up.
Every sinner who rejects God ends up getting really messed up.
@thepreposterouspanda Same with me yeah but didn't affect me, then as an adult is that I started questioning it.
Why do you say it meesed up your childhood?
Why do you say it meesed up your childhood?
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@SW-User My mother was very demeaning and controlling with it. Also, when I was 9, they decided to go to missionary college so we did that for two years just for them not to end up being missionaries.
Dad was a pastor for four years and we moved three times, each time about 1200 miles away from the last location. Lost all my friends and just never had any stability.
Dad was a pastor for four years and we moved three times, each time about 1200 miles away from the last location. Lost all my friends and just never had any stability.
I take responsibility for my own actions I do not think God controls my life. I am a Christian and I do believe in God but I truly do not think he controls every aspect of our lives
@SW-User makes sense
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Lostpoet · M
People just use him to blame when they can't blame the sun--
@Lostpoet and themselves
marke · 70-79, M
God is not to blame for human sins and ignorance.
@marke but lots of times people say, both about good things happening and bad ones it was God's will.
marke · 70-79, M
God's will can be learned from reading the Bible and praying for wisdom. Individual speculations about the will of God are almost always wrong.
God's will can be learned from reading the Bible and praying for wisdom. Individual speculations about the will of God are almost always wrong.
I try and leave belief systems alone.
Saintweezer · 36-40, M
Easy to use to explain everything
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I've never heard of "God's will". I have heard of man's "free will". We are free to pick the paths laid before us. While God may already know the path we will choose, we only have ourselves to blame for the choice.
Nobody knows what god's will is not matter what they may claim so "god's will" is used as an excuse to do wrong or to do nothing to help.
@Pikachu I just don't like how people see so many sad things happening and say well it's just God's will. Mm
Yeah that doesn't sit well with me. Honestly, i'm not convinced it sits well with them either. It's just a belief they must hold to continue having faith.
Yeah that doesn't sit well with me. Honestly, i'm not convinced it sits well with them either. It's just a belief they must hold to continue having faith.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Curious. What's your answer?
@Casheyane don't think it's about God the things that happen to us, just cause and effect, people actions, nature etc.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Yeah people blame too much on god. You can not know what is god's will unless you know him very well, or he has told you. Things do not happen because it was "gods will". A lot of bad shit happens that he detests. People who say that everything is god's will are simply not reading the bible.
@MartinTheFirst yeah true
MethDozer · M
Unless we are talking about lightening strikes it's an excuse.