What if you get to know this short life is kind of a game we all are in?
What if God sent us to this world to test us and our real living palce is paradise, in the hereafter? What if the One and Only God wants to guide you and you are running away? What if you are deceived by this world and its glamourous things, and what if you don't realise it? What if you live a great live but are on the wrong path? What if, life is actually just a test!
I see ur point but don't u think there has to be one true religion, would God just sent us to this world with no proper guide or rules or goal, no! There must be a reason for why God sent us here and so there must be one book, one religion, telling us all that He wants us to do, and He is testing us in this world, and our real true forever life is in paradise, in the hereafter! What do u think?
I don't understand why people don't believe God. He gave us His Word, not man's word or made up rules or guidelines. He gave us all the information we need, so we wouldn't have to guess about all those things you ask. GOD said:
1. He has a Son, called Jesus, whom He approved and appointed to be our Savior. Jesus put His life on the line and died to prove His love and sacrifice for us.
2. YES! God did have a reason why He sent His Son into the world.
3. Yes. There is only One Book and GOD said His Word, the Bible, is that Book. Why then do you question God? Why do you put a question mark where God put a period! We don't need two books or to worship 90 million gods. One God is perfectly capable to do ALL THINGS. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD. We must not limit Him.
4. Religion and denomination has NOTHING to do with salvation. Jesus did not die for just one person or one title of a certain group or whatever. He died not just for one certain denomination, but for ALL....any person who wants salvation. He made all these things clear in his word but you refuse to believe it. God is not the author of confusion. He tells us the way it is and it is He who sets the standard for salvation, not man.
5. God is not testing us. He's telling us that Jesus is our only Mediator between God and man and is the way to heaven. No one goes to heaven unless they confess their sins to Jesus, He forgives us, and then we are restored to fellowship with God the Father again, forever, but you insist on changing what GOD said is the way to heaven.
Continue to follow that path; any other path than what Jesus said was the right path, and you can expect a terrible outcome. You insist on believing things that are not in God's Word. That is the same thing as calling God a liar. You're guessing, and God said we don't have to guess, because He gave us his Living Word so we wouldn't HAVE TO GUESS. You refuse to believe God when HE said He sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to earth as the Savior of the world. Who are we to question God? That's why He said not to lean on your own finite understanding, because you can't figure God out, but you can find out who HE is and why he came, and why we need JESUS as our Savior, right in God's Word. GOD IS NO LIAR. And then people say, well I don't know why this, and I don't know why that. Are they blind??? That's nonsense, when God gave us His Word to tell us everything we need to know! And the rest, we will find out when we go to heaven. You refuse to believe in the trinity. You refuse to believe that Jesus was God's son and is the Savior of the world. Why? Just because you don't understand it and just because you can't understand it then you mistakenly reason that none of this could be true. That is a very dangerous and fatal mistake. It's not what I say and it's not what you say. It is what God says in His Word that counts, and I have listed that above. By refusing to believe all that God said in His Word, this is calling God a liar, and this is putting God in a box of your own making. We don't make the rules. God does. Nowhere in his book does he give Muhammad praise, glory, or credit for anything. Muhammad was a man...a man that also had sin. God and Jesus do not.
@DffrntDrmmr okay....u are right God is the only true reality, we are his creation have u heard the story of when moses, a prophet in Judaism and Islam asked God taht he wanted to see Him...do u know what happened nxt?
@MuslimBarbie For God to experience the splendor of creation he pretends to be not pure light, refracting into colors and shadows. There is God and pretend-not-God ("absence" of God). That allows less than Godly humans to exist.
I don't know who the first man was nor does anybody.
Earthly life is evolving into beings of greater disharmony from God. Still of God but with evolving complexity that allows for more independent thought and action. While we humans revel in our power, we cannot truly improve on God's more harmonious and balanced creation. We can introduce more disharmony and imbalance.
Ultimately, all of our ego existence doesn't change God, just increasingly hides her from our lifely experience. Remember, God only pretends "not-God" for life as we selves to experience it. By doing so God enjoys beauty, sunsets, music, baby's laughter, delicious tastes and wonderful smells, the delight of touch and the ability to experience and create. God is the playwrite and director playing all of the roles, too — we are the costumed characters.
@DffrntDrmmr I don't really seem to agree, by the last phara u wrote, it seems like u are saying God is dependent on his creation, so u mean he created us so he can enjoy the play...? wht if i say in the QUran, the whole thing, from like who was the first man, the what happend, why God send us humans on earth,,,is all mentioned, if u dont want to believe that a different thing, but dont u thnk f someome one claimmng in a divine book that he knows who the first man was, dont u think he has to be someone out of the world, like dont u think that message is from God, I would suggest u read the Quran too, maybe u ca the understand what i am sayig,,,thank u for ur time, it was good talking to u
You said angels have no choice but to obey God, whom you call Allah. But God's word tells us just the opposite. The angels do have free will and free choice, because that's when Satan who was then called Lucifer in heaven, decided to turn against God and created a war in heaven.
@MuslimBarbie How is it, Muhammad, a man with sin like everyone else, gets to override what Father God said was Truth, in His Word? Muhammad is mistaken. While alive, he needed his sins forgiven, like everyone else in this world. What man is justified in changing God's standard for salvation? Answer that, please.
@MuslimBarbie The Quran doesn't match up with God's Word. I was telling you what God's Word says the reason is that Satan rebelled against God, not just my belief. GOD told us what happened in His Word and God is not a liar. Who is Muhammad or the Quran, that they can call God's Word a lie or has the authority to change it around? If anyone would know what happened in heaven that day, it would be God, because He was in heaven at the time. Muhammad was not.
@LadyGrace Okay I read what u had to say... See the thing is, the question is what if The bible, the word of God was edited, and so God the merciful sent the Quran as the final book of guidance? We never say Muhammed was there in heaven at that time, nor do we say Quran was the inspired word Of god, as u all say for bible. We say Quran is the word of Allah, revealed to Muhammed by angel Gabriel. We are mere humans and cant ever even imagine to call god or god's word a lie, however both the bible and Quran are from God. But the bible is quite old and editied. However the Quran is newer and exact.
I agree with some of what you describe, and in a sense all of it rings true. I don't think it's meant as a "just a test." I think life is part of God's dynamic (is/is not) which is for the experience of being/becoming in time and space to experience life's splendor — love, the senses and moments.
I believe God is literally trying to guide us but we look away. God is the root of our being, including our intelligence, and peers from our eyes. We are distracted by the world's glamour. We are healthiest in balance with our Creator and the world.
What if you ate a person who seems to be in the middle? Not with God but not taken inwith the worlds glamour? Like you exist.. But you are not sure what for? Because nothing makes sense or the world doesnt make you happy?
@Vector When you say you tried Christianity, what exactly do you mean? What do you feel Christianity involves and what do you believe about it? What made you change your mind?
“Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” –James 1:2-3"
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him" James 1:12
@Graylight CRT (critical race theory) does exist. It's a black-authored revisionist view of those wishing to rationalize their own race-conscious problems by falsely blaming greater society, with racist venom especially targeted at the country's founding people.
Whipping yourself and others into a frenzy over some decades-old or centuries-old incidents serves no good purpose.
America's founders helped introduce the concepts of human rights and personal liberty to the world. America has always been a beacon of liberty and inclusiveness, inviting people of diverse cultures, religions, races and ethnicities to find liberty as Americans. Described as "the world's melting pot," these people from around the world assimilated and became a great nation of people.
That there is only one abberation — most Africans — that were not intended to be citizens and have failed to assimilate or meet the standards Americans expected testifies that the problem is not Americans, but the African descendents.
In the last two decades or so (especially the last), in a post-racism era, they've tried to destroy civilization with a wicked campaign of their own racism. Ironic, isn't it.
Stop assuming and believing. If you want to know truth, deep dive into yourself, start seeking. Answers are within you, nor outside or in a book, because real "you" is inside not elsewhere.