I think that's a meaningless concept. Whether or not people are peaceful or not has a lot more to do with their life circumstances than their religion.
Maybe islam is your way to happiness Allah says those who do not remember me nor mention me I will not remember them nor mention them and they will live a sad life.
@LoneKnight: thats insane just cause some crazy desert muslims do some crazy shit in a far country where they dont even have schools nor know islam doesnt mean all muslims are crazy I live in the middle east i never saw nor heard about a girl getting flogged nor killed for sex or rape its only 3month jail for those who have premarital sex and its rare cause u cannot catch someone on the act and i live in shariha law country there are many christians jew and muslims living 2gether in peace dont be a typical dumb american and search everything before you belive everything said by US and your CIA and search the conspiracy theories behind invading iraq and vitname that proves that US only invaded these countries for oil and land and that they were behind creating ISIS, for God sake search your information before you talk our islam is about charity praying and giving to others not killing and abusing people most muslim countries live in harmony and peace, if USA left iraq alone ISIS would never have happend Sadam might have been a brutual president but he kept his country in order and protected his people and USA fucked it all up and you guys only attacking islam not your gov.
@Collegegirl23: I am not an American and I don't mean all Muslims.I am from a Muslim country myself and I have a lot of Muslim friends. The thing is I am sick of watching some Muslims punishing other Muslims in the name of Islam in this 21st century. If you call me a hater for caring about the victims of Islam , then get it over with.
Hardly. Seven of the top ten human rights violating countries are Muslim.