The interesting thing is that radicals are bred in areas where their belief system is widely accepted. You have crazy rednecks being bred in certain sections of the States because those sections are accepting of them. Radical Muslims are bred in Iraq and Iran because that is where their beliefs are widely accepted. The Muslims feminists see face-to-face are often not radical. Feminists are bred where their beliefs are more accepted- mainly Western societies. You will not find a hard-core feminist becoming who she is in the same area where a radical Muslim will be created. So when feminists say that most Muslims are peaceful, they would be correct if they meant most of the Muslims They've met were peaceful.
Iraq is a war-torn hellscape thanks to a decade of bombing followed by a decade of war. Of course crazy ideas are going to come out of there. Iran has a lot of extremely cool people in it who are well-educated, secular, and progressive. They exist at odds with their regressive theocracy of a government - very deep political divides there.
Yes, but only feminists manage to be completely hypocritical while denying statistically and historically supported claims. If you're going to be dumb, at least don't be a hypocrite.