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Putting On A Costume Doesn't Change Who You Are Inside

Another Study Confirms God’s Design Is Best
by Ken Ham on March 13, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

If a parent has a child struggling with gender identity, one of the first (false) things they’re often told by counselors, doctors, and therapists is, “You must immediately affirm your child’s new identity or your child will likely commit suicide.” Of course, this approach of lying to your child and affirming a confused and sinful identity is unbiblical—and yet another study confirms that God’s design is best.

A recent study of over 100,000 gender-confused Americans found that those who underwent a “sex-change” surgery (a surgery, or series of painful surgeries, that amputates and reconstructs body parts to appear more like the opposite sex) have “substantially increased rates not only of depression, but of anxiety, suicidal ideation, and substance use disorders.”

The abstract for the study highlighted that men who underwent these surgeries had a depression rate of over 25%, compared to 11.5% of men who hadn’t gone as far as surgery. And for women it was similar: nearly 23% vs. 14.6%. In other words, surgery doesn’t fix the identity crisis! It only makes things worse!

Now, this study was comparing those who had socially and maybe even chemically “transitioned,” versus those who “transitioned” and then later underwent surgery. Those who had surgery had a substantially higher risk of depression (the opposite of what you would expect if so-called gender-affirming “care” worked), but even the group with the lower depression rates—those who only socially and/or chemically transitioned—still have a much higher rate of depression than the general population (which is 5% according to the CDC). Again, our culture’s answer to gender confusion is not working!

And that’s no surprise. We aren’t our own creators who can just do anything with or to our bodies. We were created by God, in His image, as either male or female. That’s God’s very good design, even in a world that’s fallen and broken because of sin. When we stray from God’s design and try to be our own gods, pain and suffering follows just as it did in the garden!

The answer to the gender confusion of our day isn’t “transition” or surgery—it’s a new identity rooted in Christ, what He did for us on the cross, and our design as a man or woman made in His image. And we have to understand we live in a fallen world where our fallible feelings cannot be trusted to dictate truth.

Where I come from, men are men and women are women. A darn good arrangement and no sex change can alter it.
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calicuz · 56-60, M
First: What study? This "study" should have a name attached to it so I can read it.

Second: What does your "religious view" of someone else have to do with a fellow American's liberty? Liberty as stated in the Constitution of the United States? Liberty being an Americans right to live their life as they see fit, as long as that life is led within the confines of the law. Have some of our fellow Americans broken some law by living their lives in "the pursuit of happiness?"

The law is clear: "........all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
These "laws of God," do not apply since the Constitution of the United States is not a religious document, but is a law document.

You don't understand the Constitution of the United States. It was written by those who new God as their Savior and Lord, man made religion had nothing to do with it. It was written to protect the rights of free men within the confines of the laws written by God as we both pointed out in our discussion.
calicuz · 56-60, M

No my friend. "God given right......" is the only mention of God in thd document and that alone does not make it a religious document. The framers were deists, not religious, and the way the First Amendment is worded in regard to religion, is evident of that.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
No my friend. "God given right.

Yep, you have no understanding of the Constitution of the United States nor the Word of God. Let it go at that.
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