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Are They Learning The God's Truth Finally?

Scientists Hit on the Truth . . . but for the Wrong Reasons!

This is certainly an eye-catching headline, “Archaic Humans Might Actually Be The Same Species as Us, Study Suggests.” New research suggests that so-called “archaic” humans, including Neanderthals and Denisovans, might actually have “more in common than we ever thought” with modern humans. Well, I could have told them that without a study! We’ve been saying that at AiG all along

You see, in the biblical worldview, all humans—extinct varieties or otherwise—are one race, all descended from Adam and Eve, and all made in the image of God.

Humans didn’t progress slowly out of Africa, evolving into new species along the way with many fits and starts. They were created fully formed and functioning as one human couple, and through them the whole earth was eventually populated (Genesis 1–2; Acts 17:26). Since Neanderthals and Denisovans are not our extinct human “cousins” but our direct relatives—descended from Adam and then from Noah and his sons, just as we are—I would expect us, living just a few thousand years later, to have much in common with them.

The study looked at genome databases built from the DNA of Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern humans, to find “critical rearrangements of our chromosomes and select variations in our genes.” Now, the variations are observational science—we can observe how different populations of humans vary on the genetic level. That variation is the result of the genetic diversity God created in the human kind. But the “critical rearrangements” are pure fiction, referring to the supposed “swapping of the tips of our X and Y chromosomes,” otherwise known as “the translocation of human PAR2.” According to their analysis, this important event in our supposed evolution happened earlier than thought.

In other words, the genetic seeds of what make us special as human beings stretch back close to a million years ago. Since then, various periods of population growth and shrinkage, together with more cultural influences, have helped separate us from Neanderthals and Denisovans.

The result? “Such distinctions [of different human species] might need to be re-evaluated.”

Now, while their reasons for believing that humans are more similar than thought are wrong as they are based on evolutionary interpretations of the evidence (geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom explains more about that in the Answers News episode linked at the top and bottom of this page), the conclusions are actually somewhat correct. Ignoring the evolutionary timeline of millions of years, we can agree that yes, humans—all humans—are one species and are highly similar to each other (though we can state that fact much more confidently!). The differences among humans are minor ones caused by created genetic variety, the splitting of the population at Babel, and other cultural and environmental influences.

So even though these evolutionists are wrong, they are also kind of right! That’s because they mix historical science and observational science!

by Ken Ham on January 21, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It looks like the light is shining bright as scientists learn the God's Truth about science bit by bit.
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calicuz · 56-60, M
I agree and disagree. Science has already discovered the Neanderthal gene in modern man, so at some point we and the Neanderthals coexisted, and which is why no missing link can be found. The Homosapien gene is just stronger than the Neanderthal gene and the Neanderthals were just bread out of existence, but that doesn't mean the Neanderthal gene can't be strong in certain individuals, or certain sectors of society.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
but that doesn't mean the Neanderthal gene can't be strong in certain individuals,
MTG has the appearance and low intelligence of a Neanderthal.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Well, that would explain a lot. 😅
The many many clocks on Earth and out in space prove your claims wrong.


Visit any limestone cave. Stalactites grow at a rate of about 1mm per 10 years. So a 10 meter stalactite has been growing about 100,000 years. And close examination of cross sections shows the year by year layering (where rainfall is seasonal). These stalactites can be found all over the world. The ages are corroborated by radiometric carbon dating.

Tree rings are clocks. The oldest living tree goes back about 4800 years. But wood from dead trees can contain records of volcanic events, thus extending the record back much farther.
Originally developed for climate science, the method is now an invaluable tool for archaeologists, who can track up to 13,000 years of history using tree ring chronologies for over 4,000 sites on six continents.
The ages are corroborated by radiometric carbon dating (establishing age by measuring ratios of radioactive vs stable isotopes).

Seasonal snowfall on glaciers accumulates to form countable layers. Greenland ice sheet layers can be counted back about 110,000 years. The ages are corroborated by radiometric dating. Other glaciers go back as far as 700,000 years, but on those the older data is mostly radiometric dating.

Salt flows from rocks into lakes and the ocean. If no salt left the ocean, that would give an age of 50 million to 70 million years. However, various geologic processes cause salt to leave the ocean at about the rate it's entering, so 50 million to 70 million years becomes a minimum estimate of the age of the earth.

Layering of sedimentary rocks - such as in the Grand Canyon - forms a series of clocks. These layers correspond to different stages in the evolution of life on the planet. The layers can be dated by positional order (bottom layer formed first), sedimentation rate, age of fossils found in the layer, and of course, radiometric dating. There are five main isotope pairs used for dating sedimentary rocks as well as the 'fissile track' method; you can read about it all here:

Then there's all the fossils of extinct animals found in the rock layers. They're not exactly a clock, but they are an indicator of the vast amounts of time over which evolution occurs.

Of course outer space offers many clocks. Accumulation of craters on airless bodies like the Moon forms a clock. Shells of glowing gas left over from novas and supernovas form clocks (the Lambda Orionis Ring is about 1 million years old). The redshift of light from galaxies billions of light years away form clocks. The Hubble expansion of the universe forms a clock. The frequency shift of big bang radiation to form the cosmic microwave background is a clock.

No one clock is perfect, but they all corroborate each other pretty well, and they ALL give life FAR MORE than 6000 years to evolve.

If you argue "God hid those dinosaur bones (and all the isotopes used for dating) in the rocks" I can't disprove it. If you argue "God built all those layers into the glaciers and into stalactites, made the nova remnants appear millions of years old, etc." I can't disprove it. But you've got to ask yourself, why would God put all these inter-corroborating clocks all over the Earth and all thru the galaxy if they were all false???
biblical stories contain only metaphors

if you understand the hidden meaning of biblical stories you can find a lot of value in them

metaphors may be consistent with scientific theoretical models but not with laboratory research
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 You will answer me, human!

Where were you when I laid the Earth's foundations? Tell me, if you understand! Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone, while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, when I said, "This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt"?

In other words, prove your positive assertion that I'm not God.
This message was deleted by its author.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MamaButterfly Oh, Jesus Christ. 🤦‍♂
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Oh, Jesus Christ.

That's the name to be saved by.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 Yeah, because he's done so much for me so far.
SparkleLeaf · 51-55, T
The grain of salt one should take with anything AiG says

LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Is there even a human behind this account, or is it just a bot reposting Ken's іԁіоtic blogs?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I didn't write that.

Thank you for proving that you're not God. Good day to you.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@GodSpeed63 Silence, mortal! I will say when this conversation is over!
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 Yup, run along...
RedBaron · M
Unless, of course, they haven’t and it’s not.

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