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Someone once said we can get to heaven our own way. That's exactly what Satan wants us to believe.

I wish that were true, but it's Jesus who had to come and show us the way to heaven. How would you attempt to get to heaven on your own? Man doesn't even know how to get to heaven, without God's help. Why would we even want another way when we know that Jesus came and showed us the way so that we wouldn't make a mistake about it and put our own souls in jeopardy. He came so that we wouldn't have to guess how to get to heaven and who would know better than he? He has come from heaven and gone back and over 500 witnessed him resurrect to his Father in Heaven.

Jesus said, there's a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is death. Proverbs 14:12

This verse truly confirms that if we listen to the world, it will lead us off into a spiritual dead end ditch. Same as if we listen to Satan. He wants our soul. He wants to hurt God by stealing souls because he was kicked out of heaven for trying to take it over.

Ask yourself, when did man become smarter and wiser than God, that he got the arrogance to believe he could actually save himself from his own sins? Since when, can man tower above God, His wisdom, or undermine His authority?

"The fool sayeth in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works..." Psalm 14

God's Word says the devil can deceive you to listen to other's lies and especially Satan, instead of God. If you think not, then note how many have turned against God and have listened to the devil's lies and now worship him, instead of God.

God said listen to Him and His truths from His Word, and you cannot go wrong. The promises God made in His Word, promise to save us. Man cannot set his own flawed rules. He will never be higher nor smarter than God.

That's why Jesus said.... "I" am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO MAN can come to the Father, BUT BY ME." So why would we want to go against God's will and plan of salvation? The only reason he came to Earth was to save us from the condemnation that sin placed on us. God the Father appointed Jesus as Savior of the world. He did not leave us to guess about that. Jesus came down and proved himself. He not only said he loves us, but he proved it when he died on the cross to pay for our sins because in the spirit world, since cannot be paid for, except by a blood sacrifice and Jesus volunteered to do that on our behalf. There is no greater love than this.

Man can try any other way he likes, but God never once said His Plan of Salvation entails earning our way to Heaven by being good, being enlightened, or anything else. But mankind is so stubborn and thinks himself so superior to God, he's going to miss heaven entirely, and that will be his own fault, because he made that choice. His rebellion and stubbornness in ignoring God and wanting nothing to do with Jesus nor His perfect plan of salvation, shall keep him out of heaven. God said we cannot drag our sins into heaven, or it wouldn't be heaven. They must be forgiven and He said we can do that through our only Meditator between God and man...Jesus, Our Redeemer and Savior. 1 Timothy 2:5

God never said to follow Buddha, or any man-made idol/god, if you wish to be saved. Buddha had sins, himself. Buddha didn't die on the cross to pay for our sins so we may be saved, NOR did he resurrect from the dead! The payment for our sins required a perfect, sinless sacrifice...and His name was and IS, Jesus....approved by Father God, Himself.

To ignore God's Plan of Salvation, is to abandon your soul and call God a liar, and we know God is no liar. He could not have made His Plan of Salvation more clear. None will be able to use the excuse that they didn't know how to be saved. Do nothing to prepare yourself for eternity, and your soul will be lost forever. No choice, means no set destination. One must never leave their soul to chance. We only get one shot at this. It better be the right choice because there's no second chances, once we cross over into eternity. Who in their right mind, would want to gamble with their own soul? Nowhere in Scripture does it talk of reincarnation. In fact, it states just the opposite, that we are appointed to die only once and after that we go to either heaven or hell, by choice. Hebrews 9:27

"For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Mark 8, 34-38
BritishFailedAesthetic · M Best Comment
And it's a great thing we can only get there that way- God in his wisdom knew none of us could enter our own way- we'd all fail!
Thanks so much for BC sister!
@BritishFailedAesthetic You summed it up very nicely dear brother in Christ. Nothing could be more important.

Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I learned while studying world religions in Buddhism, there was more than one Buddha. We all know that there one God and only one Savior. Jesus did say to his apostles, followers as well as non believers that he is the Bread of Life. Whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood will never hunger and thirst and will receive everlasting life. ✝🙏
@Barefooter25 Amen! Thank you for that beautiful confirmation.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
In a few religions, it is taught to work upto heaven. Some religions have copied What Christ told us to focus on God along with a few other teachings like, "Karmanye vadhikarasya maa faleshu kadachinah" which means on Google translation that "do your work because yours is work, fruit is mine, I will give you fruit" meaning just focus on doing good. So, how will these religions leave people off their bondage when these religions are constantly expanding in European countries from Asia as well. Onesuch group is Iskcon, a total fraud group attracting hippies and then they showoff those hippies to their people saying, "we convert Christians"

They even say that father of Christ is krsna and let these hippies believe that they are worshipping Jesus Christ's father.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace Suppose a guy in US has a friend in Asia and goes to visit his friend in Asia. The Asian guy would insist let's get to the centre. There lots of priest would welcome the US guy and they will tell him, "Hey, why worship son when his father is here? Didn't Jesus tell you to worship his father, his father is here"

That's how the US guy is brainwashed
@DanielsASJ but I don't think they know or think of Jesus as the son of God. They do not give reverence to Jesus as the son of God nor recognize him as such.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace They just do it to fool people. They celebrate Christmas one day a year for the US guys to let them feel that hey, it's nothing wrong, They celebrate Christmas too"

So, they are dangerous
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Amen, sister, amen. Jesus is the only way to God as He says in John 14:6.
val70 · 51-55
For faith, always keep it simple; love God and love your neighbour. For religion, never. That's my suggestion gained by experience on here, EP and in real life.

Keep doing the good work!
@val70 Yes but it does take a commitment to God. As you know, some people say they love God but there's no commitment there, so that is important, as well.
hey hey hey St Peter... before you ring that bell.

i dont think peter takes lip service.. you gatta repent. and mean it!..
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