Morvoren · F
Evolution is not only observable but also well documented. You are turning a blind eye to things you don’t want to see.
But what would god think of your behaviour anyway?
2 Timothy 2:23-26 New International Version (NIV)
Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.
But what would god think of your behaviour anyway?
2 Timothy 2:23-26 New International Version (NIV)
Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Sure I do, through His Spirit and through His Word. Name calling doesn't cut it, baby sister, I'm a Born Again Believer in Christ.
You don’t know that.
Sure I do, through His Spirit and through His Word. Name calling doesn't cut it, baby sister, I'm a Born Again Believer in Christ.
Carlam · 70-79, F
The complexity of life is indeed astounding and highlights the limitations of empirical science in addressing historical origins. While science explores mechanisms, faith offers insights into purpose and design. Both perspectives can coexist, each contributing uniquely to our understanding. I appreciate the opportunity for respectful dialogue on these profound questions.

You seek balance in credibility for the magical and natural explanations. You forgot that magic is an extraordinary claim and nature is an ordinary claim. The playing field is not as level as you wish it to be. Wishing there was a Wisher is not the solution.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You need to learn the difference between magic and miracle. My God is not in the magical business but in the miracle business.
You seek balance in credibility for the magical and natural explanations.
You need to learn the difference between magic and miracle. My God is not in the magical business but in the miracle business.

@GodSpeed63 If you wish to rename the wielding of wishing power a miracle that's your choice.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
If you choose to believe in genies, that's your privilege. I choose to believe in the one true God who is my Father in Heaven. I've seen His miracles at work so you can't tell me that it's all magical. Magic can't make the lame walk, or blind to see, or raise the dead.
If you wish to rename the wielding of wishing power a miracle that's your choice.
If you choose to believe in genies, that's your privilege. I choose to believe in the one true God who is my Father in Heaven. I've seen His miracles at work so you can't tell me that it's all magical. Magic can't make the lame walk, or blind to see, or raise the dead.
sputnik · 70-79, M
I assume the authors of this copy-paste understand that abiogenesis and evolution are two separate topics.
If so, then they are deliberately attempting to mislead their readers.
If not, then they understand neither topic.
Which is it?
If so, then they are deliberately attempting to mislead their readers.
If not, then they understand neither topic.
Which is it?
@sputnik There's not one thing wrong with discussing opinions of different authors, copied and pasted or not. It just saves time.
Abiogenesis and evolution are distinct scientific branches that are closely related within the context of evolution. Both theories deal with the development of new life forms, but they differ in their starting conditions:
The theory of how life could have developed from non-living materials. Abiogenesis is still a hypothesis because there is no way to test it yet. Some theories about the origin of life on Earth include the electric spark theory and the deep-sea hydrothermal vents theory.
The theory of how existing life could develop into different life forms. Evolution is more like a theory, similar to gravity, and it focuses on how life changes over time as it adapts to its environment.
Although abiogenesis and evolution are distinct, they can be combined and addressed together, because they are both part of a single continuous process with governing principles.
Abiogenesis and evolution are distinct scientific branches that are closely related within the context of evolution. Both theories deal with the development of new life forms, but they differ in their starting conditions:
The theory of how life could have developed from non-living materials. Abiogenesis is still a hypothesis because there is no way to test it yet. Some theories about the origin of life on Earth include the electric spark theory and the deep-sea hydrothermal vents theory.
The theory of how existing life could develop into different life forms. Evolution is more like a theory, similar to gravity, and it focuses on how life changes over time as it adapts to its environment.
Although abiogenesis and evolution are distinct, they can be combined and addressed together, because they are both part of a single continuous process with governing principles.
DocSavage · M
A creation needs a creator
Isn’t that what you always say ? Of course, the creator doesn’t need a creator. So you break your own first rule.
Isn’t that what you always say ? Of course, the creator doesn’t need a creator. So you break your own first rule.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
In the first place, it's not my rule but Father in Heaven's rule. In the second, your confusing created gods done by man and the One true God who lives forever.
So you break your own first rule.
In the first place, it's not my rule but Father in Heaven's rule. In the second, your confusing created gods done by man and the One true God who lives forever.
DocSavage · M
And who created the one god that lives forever ? Men, of course.
If you believe god is eternal, why not the universe itself?
And who created the one god that lives forever ? Men, of course.
If you believe god is eternal, why not the universe itself?

So, because we don't know the origin of life as yet, it must be God, right? There's a lot of things we attributed to God at first, and it turned out it wasn't.
Science will solve the problem eventually. There's no room for God in the modern world.
Science will solve the problem eventually. There's no room for God in the modern world.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Your argument is full of so many holes I stopped counting them
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I'm here to argue, just pitting the Truth of God against the lie of Satan.
Your argument is full of so many holes I stopped counting them
I'm here to argue, just pitting the Truth of God against the lie of Satan.
DocSavage · M
You should really have more respect for Satan. Without him, we would have no perspective or choice. Making free will redundant.
You should really have more respect for Satan. Without him, we would have no perspective or choice. Making free will redundant.
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