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What, No Evidence For Evolution Again?

My brothers and sisters and I have been evidence for God since I came on here but have yet to see a shred of evidence for evolution.

Here are some more evidence that these creatures were created by God and didn't come about by natural selection. They were made complete and there is no evidence of transitions.

Shall I go on?

This is there guess of what the fossil record shows. It's just a lot nice drawings.

There you have it folks.
@GodSpeed63 says
... there is no evidence of transitions.
Sorry, dude, but you COMPLETELY failed to present even a shred of evidence for that claim!!

Evolution of hominid skulls

Evolution of the hominid hand

Evolution of equine legs

Note: the above data is morphological. It is strongly supported by genetic similarity data.
@GodSpeed63 All those intermediate forms whose existence you denied - they're all there in the fossil record, and you keep burying your head deeper in the sand🤣😂🤣😂
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
All those intermediate forms whose existence you denied - they're all there in the fossil record, and you keep burying your head deeper in the sand🤣😂🤣😂

Take your head out of the sand, Elwood, that's only guess work by scientists who traded the Truth of God for the lie of Satan.🤣😂🤣😂
@GodSpeed63 Take your head out of the sand, Speed, that's only guess work by superstitious desert dwellers 2500 years ago!🤣😂🤣😂
Beautifully Illustrated. Good and thought provoking post!

Natural selection is actually a key mechanism of evolution, not an alternative to it. Evolution refers to the gradual change in species over time, while natural selection is the process by which the environment favors individuals with certain traits, leading to their survival and reproduction. In other words, evolution is the 'what,' while natural selection is the 'how.' We can think of it like this: evolution is the larger journey, and natural selection is one of the driving forces behind it.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
1. organisms replicate their genes at different rates (i.e. they don't all have the same number of offspring, and many have none).

2. Some offspring die before they, in turn, can replicate their genes, and those which replicate their genes also do so at different rates... as in (1) above

3. The environment is constantly changing... volcanos erupt, earthquakes alter the terrain, asteroids strike the planet, etc.

4. In order to replicate their genes (sex) organisms need to avoid being incapacitated (death) and to have an opportunity to do so (environment)

5. Because the environment is constantly changing the opportunities for replication offered to the next generation of genes may differ from the opportunities offered to the earlier generation.

6. All of this will affect how frequently specific genes are replicated and where they appear (their distribution).

Do you agree with all six of these statements?

If not, which ones do you dispute, and why?

Be specific
You need to read the Wikipedia article on "consilience".

Also, if God exists, then HE is the source of "the laws of nature".

We, created in His image, are also creative (including problem-solving and scientific discovery), and so the amazing fruits of these amazing efforts are due to Him, and our use of "His image" is a blessed thing.

Using "His image", we have discovered at least some of HIS wondrous laws.

It is not necessary for Him to specifically create specific species, IF He can create through His laws of nature--He is still the source of all.

Neither the ancient Hebrews nor the text in Genesis ever claim that Genesis should be read as a science text. This fallacy is a modern innovation and ignores the truth of the history of Gen 1-12 and Job.
redredred · M
There is a ton of strong physical evidence for evolution. The modern science of genetics demonstrates it conclusively. Endogenous retroviruses show that humans and chimps had a common ancestor that was neither human nor chimp.

You can cling to your silly Bronze Age myth if you like but you cannot deny that evolution has been proven.
Slade · 56-60, M

The usual drill. Where is the Santa Claus and Easter Bunny?
redredred · M
@Slade do you doubt that genetics has demonstrated that evolution occurs?
Slade · 56-60, M
@redredred some has sure. Looking around I think devolution is much more common
jehova · 31-35, M
They arent mutually exclusive one might have been set in motion by the other.
jehova · 31-35, M
@newjaninev2 still agree creationism isnt a requirement. Our theories seem to work but all is not known nor do all pieces fit perfectly. Its a discussion and an ongoing study.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@jehova Yes, absolutely 💯.
It's a wonderful, never-ending, process of learning and refining and expanding and testing and reviewing and... just generally having a wonderful time! 😀
jehova · 31-35, M
@newjaninev2 truth!
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
if it makes you feel better, then, nobody wants to persuade you to change your opinions. do you feel better when you use used-car salesmen pressure tactics to harass other people to change their association? do you feel that you could produce anything valuable in a scientific institution? other than circular reasoning BS like you did here?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
if it makes you feel better

If it makes you feel better, I'm not putting these posts on to make me feel better. These posts are meant display the Truth of God against the lies of Satan. people, like yourself keep asking for evidence that God lives, and yet, when get that evidence, you disregard it. I can't help it if this bothers you. You don't have to participate, you can leave anytime.
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
It’s like talking to someone from the Middle Ages lol
DocSavage · M
Where’s the cheesy Ken Ham quote ?
kutee · T
yes evolution probablt didnt happen, and a 'god 'of srots made them, or a gorup of 'gofs, but god doesn tlook likeus, or gvie us any rules to follow,
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